Just a brief update, as school work has me scheduling times to take breath, much less anything enjoyable.
The schooling goes alright. I wish I were doing better, but it's a sad fact most of us in the accelerated program face: we're not going to be straight-A students anymore. Those who are keeping the grades high typically managed to test out of one or two classes. Me? Full course load, and it shows. Irritating.
But I'm starting to learn my nursing shit (literally, in some cases -- this is nursing after all). Currently, I'm most interested in pursuing oncology as my area of specialization. It's by no means settled, but I think it's a great intersection of personal interest and preferred style of care.
I actually had a date last night. It's been many a year (and a couple g/f's) since the last real date, so just the idea of it was rather exciting. We went out for a Japanese/Thai dinner, then talked at my place until well past midnight (a late hour for we student types). She's a very neat person, with quite a lot in common with myself. More religious than I'd prefer (which is to say, she's religious), but nobody's perfect.
We had a great time, many laughs, and plan on getting together again soon. School makes this difficult, but we share most classes, so at least get to see one another regularly.
Nothing else but school. I have psychiatric and general surgery clinicals for the summer, and in the next week or two I'll register for the fall. One year, one month and I'll graduate, assuming I survive this madness. Wish me luck and stuff!
The schooling goes alright. I wish I were doing better, but it's a sad fact most of us in the accelerated program face: we're not going to be straight-A students anymore. Those who are keeping the grades high typically managed to test out of one or two classes. Me? Full course load, and it shows. Irritating.
But I'm starting to learn my nursing shit (literally, in some cases -- this is nursing after all). Currently, I'm most interested in pursuing oncology as my area of specialization. It's by no means settled, but I think it's a great intersection of personal interest and preferred style of care.
I actually had a date last night. It's been many a year (and a couple g/f's) since the last real date, so just the idea of it was rather exciting. We went out for a Japanese/Thai dinner, then talked at my place until well past midnight (a late hour for we student types). She's a very neat person, with quite a lot in common with myself. More religious than I'd prefer (which is to say, she's religious), but nobody's perfect.

Nothing else but school. I have psychiatric and general surgery clinicals for the summer, and in the next week or two I'll register for the fall. One year, one month and I'll graduate, assuming I survive this madness. Wish me luck and stuff!
well hang in there- i know how it is!