Bout time I updated this thing. Not much to add, really, except that Hallowe'en is enroute, and that makes for a happy Ticktockman. Taking tomorrow afternoon off after classes and enjoying the day with a bottle of wine, a bag of popcorn, and some horror fun. Slither and Ichi the Killer will be on the menu, methinks. Now accepting applications for Hallowe'en movie viewing partner. You have 20 hours.
School goes well. All A's thus far, though the last Anatomy exam came close to unacceptable territory gradewise. November 1st I start shopping for scholarships, loans and applying to schools, with UNC Chapel Hill my prime target.
And now it's workout time, because I will hit my goal by year's end. Cheers,

School goes well. All A's thus far, though the last Anatomy exam came close to unacceptable territory gradewise. November 1st I start shopping for scholarships, loans and applying to schools, with UNC Chapel Hill my prime target.
And now it's workout time, because I will hit my goal by year's end. Cheers,
you are sweet

My friend is in a band called Tic Tok Tokyo...