Good news! My friend's brain cancer was recently downgraded to Stage 2. No more of this 2-5 year life expectancy, though chemotherapy is still on the schedule, and I'm not sure of the chances of removing the cancer entirely.
DragonCon was a couple weekends ago. You can find my full Flickr record of this mega-geekfest here. Let's see if I can successfully put up a teaser image:

That's Nichelle "Lt. Uhura" Nichols right there, a Star Trek original and very sweet lady.
Right, time for work. Cheers,
DragonCon was a couple weekends ago. You can find my full Flickr record of this mega-geekfest here. Let's see if I can successfully put up a teaser image:

That's Nichelle "Lt. Uhura" Nichols right there, a Star Trek original and very sweet lady.
Right, time for work. Cheers,
Thank you for the comment on my set!!
TOO CUTE!! Thanks and tell nak thanks too!