I've slept in a very great deal. I engaged in a lot of somnambulism as a kid, wandering about the house nocturnally like Moses trying to find the way out of the wilderness. If Moses was marking his territory by pissing on everything he could find, anyway. Sometimes my analogies aren't so good.
So at some point, as happens now and then, my alarm woke me. And, without missing a beat in dreamland, I turned it off. My brain must be at war with itself on some level, as I rarely fail to wake myself up somehow, usually through a dream that acts like a bucket of crushed ice tossed in my bed.
This time in dreamland, I was in my room watching what must have been a 60" plasma TV/computer monitor. 4 channels of regular programming and games, and a 5th channel of a pretty gal taking her clothes off (I don't know where I get these ideas!). And at that point, I'm focusing on the pretty gal.
In walks mom. Point of order, I don't live with my mother. In fact, I've long made it a habit of keeping a three state minimum between myself and any parents that may be living in the region. We all get along fine, it's just easier that way.
Web surfing at work has made me a pro alt-tabber. My reflexes aren't the best, but in the arena of work place internet roaming, they are honed to perfection. Mom does a double take and sees nothing more, chats about something then leaves. I alt-tab back. In walks mom, and she sees boob. I alt-tab away, and she, stuttering a bit, explains whatever bit of dream nonsense (or maybe it was RL nonsense, I don't recall) before leaving again.
I alt-tab back, and she returns again, "Just one more thing." No disguising it this time. I can't listen to her now, can only giggle capriciously. This goes on several more times before the brain short-circuits and I awaken.
Fortunately, my supervisor at work is a kindly imbecile. Talking to her is like gargling molasses and snorting saccharine -- it's almost painful. But it could be far far worse.
Well look at the time; now I'm even more tardy. Tragic, that. More tragic, SG hasn't updated. Minutes away from some sort of awesome, too. Well...I gotta go.
So at some point, as happens now and then, my alarm woke me. And, without missing a beat in dreamland, I turned it off. My brain must be at war with itself on some level, as I rarely fail to wake myself up somehow, usually through a dream that acts like a bucket of crushed ice tossed in my bed.
This time in dreamland, I was in my room watching what must have been a 60" plasma TV/computer monitor. 4 channels of regular programming and games, and a 5th channel of a pretty gal taking her clothes off (I don't know where I get these ideas!). And at that point, I'm focusing on the pretty gal.
In walks mom. Point of order, I don't live with my mother. In fact, I've long made it a habit of keeping a three state minimum between myself and any parents that may be living in the region. We all get along fine, it's just easier that way.
Web surfing at work has made me a pro alt-tabber. My reflexes aren't the best, but in the arena of work place internet roaming, they are honed to perfection. Mom does a double take and sees nothing more, chats about something then leaves. I alt-tab back. In walks mom, and she sees boob. I alt-tab away, and she, stuttering a bit, explains whatever bit of dream nonsense (or maybe it was RL nonsense, I don't recall) before leaving again.
I alt-tab back, and she returns again, "Just one more thing." No disguising it this time. I can't listen to her now, can only giggle capriciously. This goes on several more times before the brain short-circuits and I awaken.
Fortunately, my supervisor at work is a kindly imbecile. Talking to her is like gargling molasses and snorting saccharine -- it's almost painful. But it could be far far worse.
Well look at the time; now I'm even more tardy. Tragic, that. More tragic, SG hasn't updated. Minutes away from some sort of awesome, too. Well...I gotta go.
Hey there, thank you so much for your comment on my set! I'm sorry its taken a while to respond -I've just been very busy lately.

thanks 4 the comment on my set...hmmm n dont u think everyone shud own an old pair of chucks?? indeed haha hope summer is treatin u nicelyyy