"While I was growing up, there stood a particular house on our street that all of the adults said was an eyesore, a house that my dad said ought to have some gasoline and a lit match tossed at it, a great big wreck of a dwelling that stuck out like a hairy mole on an otherwise unblemished suburban block. It wasnt any older than the rest of the houses in the area, but it seemed to be weighted down with some kind of foreboding wisdom. Set back a little further from the street than the rest of the dwellings nearby, it contained a presence that cocooned it into its own little universe, self-contained but yet still hungrily feeding off of the surrounding environment. You could sense its delicate fingers reaching out to you as you walked past it, searching, tempting you to come closer."
1.) Tell me about that one creepy, derelict house in your neighborhood that always piqued your curiousity as a youngster.
1.) Tell me about that one creepy, derelict house in your neighborhood that always piqued your curiousity as a youngster.

i wonder if any live in mono lake?
My most creepy house? Hmm.... well, back in the woods behind my house there is the infamous Black Mansion. This was a mansion that was back there that burnt down. Supposedly all sorts of weird activity went on back there (think of what Laura Palmer did in the woods). But now I think the foundation is the only thing left. But one time I went back there and found a plastic toy soldier or something. Very weird and very intriguing.