Yowza. I need to get a grip on things here, it's been a weird few days for me, full of dark hallways and cobwebby corners, and strange fleeting shapes skuttling off to the sides. But I am feeling a bit better now. I'm going to a CD burning party tonight and I'm going to attempt to turn some people on to Interpol and Plaid. And maybe Boards of Canada too. I am always attempting to spread the BoC gospel. Is anyone here a fan? They are sublime...
I have to go mow the lawn now and pull some weeds.
That's all for now, folks...more later perchance.
I have to go mow the lawn now and pull some weeds.
That's all for now, folks...more later perchance.

Boards of Canada "Twoism" (WARP)
if u do not have this, then you must find it.
How do you feel about harder, more beat-centric idm? a la autechre, the fiercer rdj/aphex stuff, jega, etc.
I wonder. Would you throw in some INterpol also? I've got your CD travellin in my bag, I keep meaning to get to the post office. Maybe I'll add soemthing else. Do you like any of that rap music? I got this think in SF last year called LEgendary Masters of Hip Hop and its really funky, really positive, fun, good stuff. Also, Well, I got a bunch of stuff. Cheb I Sabbah is the one I'm most excited about.
OH< can you throw me some of that Interpol? I heard about them, I wanna get in on that.
I played scrabble tonight, and made the word Mosquito....