Ahhh. Sometimes it feels good to let it all hang out & just be yourself. I figured it was time you all got to see what I really look like...
1.) Possum soup or possum pie?
2.) Miller High Life or PBR?

1.) Possum soup or possum pie?
2.) Miller High Life or PBR?
that pic sort of looks like this guy who asked me for change the other day. i told him i was broke and he said god bless you. not realizing i was talking out loud, i said "no he doesn't". big mistake. this guy freaked out on me, came really close and started yelling at me....."just you wait! judgement day is coming! you will pay then!"......okay now that was a little freaky. luckily i was just getting in my car and could drive off.
since i don't like possum.......neither.
since i don't like beer.............neither.
i am a vodka girl.