Cacuys In our living room
Black eyebrows savage unkempt
like giant weeds atop
deep black caves
worried sweating putrid
beads of poisonous dew
onto my sallow cheeks
Sintese aqui travieso!
and dont peek!
Or MiraCucuy!
Long sleepless nights stomach
Grumbling like construction trucks
In the morning while
choritzo grease wafts
across neighbors lawns
into my bedroom window I clutch
My aching belly at 6 am...
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Black eyebrows savage unkempt
like giant weeds atop
deep black caves
worried sweating putrid
beads of poisonous dew
onto my sallow cheeks
Sintese aqui travieso!
and dont peek!
Or MiraCucuy!
Long sleepless nights stomach
Grumbling like construction trucks
In the morning while
choritzo grease wafts
across neighbors lawns
into my bedroom window I clutch
My aching belly at 6 am...
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Waves Rushing Over
Seven years old pressing skin on sand
Closed eyes soothed by godly sun
Digging in with palms and soles
Caressed by the tides motions
Every nerve on edge feeling
Each grain of sand massaging
My innocent body taught
Cool Pacific waves over rush
Then back again to frothy sea
Arms widespread flying
Giddy awaiting white-foamed salty surf
To come touch me once...
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Seven years old pressing skin on sand
Closed eyes soothed by godly sun
Digging in with palms and soles
Caressed by the tides motions
Every nerve on edge feeling
Each grain of sand massaging
My innocent body taught
Cool Pacific waves over rush
Then back again to frothy sea
Arms widespread flying
Giddy awaiting white-foamed salty surf
To come touch me once...
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In a Dark Bar in Fresno
I spy you sitting flirtatious at the bar alone
eyes dreaming beyond blue cocktailed
oceans floating in a cool tipsy state
skirt raised high releasing August fleshy
fumes wafting down to my lonely barstool
at the end where middle aged men sit
staring off into the past stroking chins
arriving at regrettable moments with each sip.
Two shots Tequila...
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I spy you sitting flirtatious at the bar alone
eyes dreaming beyond blue cocktailed
oceans floating in a cool tipsy state
skirt raised high releasing August fleshy
fumes wafting down to my lonely barstool
at the end where middle aged men sit
staring off into the past stroking chins
arriving at regrettable moments with each sip.
Two shots Tequila...
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I didnt know I was so Latino
Until walking the stone cold courts of Stanford
Brahman Lilly white faces that glare
Behind political pretensions
Aquamarine eyes burning holes into my skin
Like a child pressing harder and harder
On a light brown crayon building wax
Until beige becomes walnut
Over and over outside the lines
See what I made Daddy, a Mexican
Walnut becomes a...
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Hey Zombies are cool 

Thank you so much for you love on "Coming Clean", it means a lot

Black-as-coal arms outstretched
Like Moses in benediction over hopeful masses
The dream!
Washington DC
August 28, 1963
King didnt have a dream
That one day the grandsons of the sons of slaves
walking in ignorance
In unison shuffling with gold chains swaying
Reflecting the emptiness of soul
To dead ancestors who dreamed for freedom
Heads bowed beneath crumbling buildings
While exhaust-painted pigeons shit
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Like Moses in benediction over hopeful masses
The dream!
Washington DC
August 28, 1963
King didnt have a dream
That one day the grandsons of the sons of slaves
walking in ignorance
In unison shuffling with gold chains swaying
Reflecting the emptiness of soul
To dead ancestors who dreamed for freedom
Heads bowed beneath crumbling buildings
While exhaust-painted pigeons shit
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Beautiful. I love the Ghost Bike... and as usual, your photography is excellent. Thank you.

"Papa was a rolling stone" echoed
across scuffed-marked wooden floors
covered with a thin layer of grease
from the thousands of fried tacos
"wherever he laid his hat was his home"
vibrating across cockroach wings under the fridge
eating frijoles and welfare cheese crumbs
over beer bottle lips
and 5 Latinas whose hips curved round
like the foothills between Sanger...
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"Papa was a rolling stone" echoed
across scuffed-marked wooden floors
covered with a thin layer of grease
from the thousands of fried tacos
"wherever he laid his hat was his home"
vibrating across cockroach wings under the fridge
eating frijoles and welfare cheese crumbs
over beer bottle lips
and 5 Latinas whose hips curved round
like the foothills between Sanger...
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It's been awhile since your last post, I hope you're still writing because these poems are amazing.
My great grandparents emigrated from Mexico in 1914 in order to flee the violence of the Mexican Revolution and the banditry of Pancho Villa and his men. Evidentally, Pancho Villa would terrorize the village and ranch the my great grandparents were from. The point is that I was born in California, as were my parents, as well as my grandparents. Ever since I can remember...
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heavy shit here ya bitches...hellooooo...anybody readin this shit...aww fuck it, weres the boobies at?
thats so hot

Really nice collage . . . I've bookmarked your journal so I'll remember to come back and see new work you've posted.
that is an interesting picture....but, i like it. in a sad sort of way.
This is fantastic. Did you make it?
mornings came to us like presents
at sunrise
beams of light, ribbon tassles
ready to be greedily opened
consuming a young boy's mind
as mama worked a magic spell
in the kitchen
conjuring homemade tortillas
at dawn
everything is a wonder
as a child
it must be magic daddy, mommy
but now mornings come to me like
the closing scenes
of nightmares
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mornings came to us like presents
at sunrise
beams of light, ribbon tassles
ready to be greedily opened
consuming a young boy's mind
as mama worked a magic spell
in the kitchen
conjuring homemade tortillas
at dawn
everything is a wonder
as a child
it must be magic daddy, mommy
but now mornings come to me like
the closing scenes
of nightmares
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Just out of interest: Are you a member of SG Writer's Guild. I was but I didn't hand in an assignment on time (a poem relating to an empty bottle of Moet and Chandon abandoned on the street). I was only a member for two weeks. Stuff em. Anyway I really like that line as eggs cackled dancing on grease (simple but very effective). I'll try to check your website again.