OK, time for a very quick update. Im way past due, but things have gotten rather hectic lately.
Ya see, I done landed myself a new job! A real, honest to God TV writing gig! The thing is, I havent quit my day job - and hopefully wont have to. Its an ambitious undertaking as I now find myself... Read More
Dude: GREAT entry, and better news! Congrats! You posted this while I was still out of town (helping my pal move across country; got in late last night) or I would've commented sooner.
*applause applause applause *
wait - do you have to actually write the applause in there?
Seriously, this is fucking EXCELLENT news and I'm quite happy for you, man. You know you need to write me offsite and spill what show, too - right? Cheers.
And on another, somewhat related note...
I was talking to a friend - said friend I moved across country - who has a great idea for a kid's show and for some odd reason I thought specifically of YOU (and anticus) to help develop it with me in a producer capacity. Now we really do have to make time - somehow, impossibly enough as it seems - to meet.
How's next month looking for you? I have to get my film into Sundance shape and am buried until I submit on Sept 1.
Feel free to take that last bit literally and figuratively.
Ill never understand you lovely, yet perplexing creatures.
You see, the 4th of July holiday turned out to be How shall I say? Less than enjoyable? Yeah, that about sums it up. Ill spare you the gory details, dear reader, but suffice it to say that it looked like it was all over me and the P.E.
I wish I were going to comicon next weekend... this year and every year. Not for the floor so much as the other stuff going on all day. I envy you that you live within driving distance (yeah, 300 or so miles is "within" driving distance to me). If only a show that big were held at Chicagocon. Its close from what I hear, but San Diego is a much more enjoyable city to be in.
Did you notice 2 goofballs sitting in front of the Best Western waiting for their cab ??
I wanted to ask the passers-by what was up...
(When Bugs is the conductor w/ a magic wand )
Needless to say I was at the first screening of Superman Returns at the Chinese on Tuesday night!
Overall, it was pretty cathartic. Its the movie that should have been made twenty years ago; the capstone to a trilogy of Richard Donner films that never was.
Basically, Superman Returns succeeded where The Phantom Menace failed. The nostalgia factor was running at an eleven, while still... Read More
Well, this weekend was supposed to be dedicated to buying a new car, but P.E.s grandma passed away a couple of days ago so the hunt may have to wait another week until after the funeral and whatnot. I just hope my transmission doesnt fall out before then.
Oh, and, by the way, P.E.s weird. When she... Read More
The boss took off today for a three month stint in the UK, leaving me behind to mind the store. I apologized to him in advance. For what, he asked. Youll see, was my response.
Looking on the bright side, I probably have as much job security as Ive ever had, cause itd be damned near impossible... Read More
Ah, the boss and office mate are out today! If thats not the definition of a perfect Friday Well, OK, a Friday off would be better, but Ill take what I can get.
Now, if I could only remember the highlights since my last update
So, the girl formerly known as P.E. decided that she needed to go back to the Renn Faire one more... Read More
(sorry, I had to)