Hey there, hi there, ho there!
OK, time for a very quick update. Im way past due, but things have gotten rather hectic lately.
Ya see, I done landed myself a new job! A real, honest to God TV writing gig! The thing is, I havent quit my day job - and hopefully wont have to. Its an ambitious undertaking as I now find myself having to pound out 90 pages a week in addition to my usual day to day duties, but the thought of the extra dough was just too enticing. For the first time in many, many years I could actually find myself debt free!
But the question remains: can I keep up such a pace up without losing my mind? We shall see. Theres only one other person on the staff who is attempting a similar juggling act, and Im pretty sure her other job is only part time.
But heres the kicker: the show is
(Drum roll please)
Yep, I am now hastening the decline of Western civilization by writing emotional porn for bored housewives!
Anyhow, wish me luck. Im really gonna need it.
Comicon was great. Highlights included numerous pints of Guinness, Ray Harryhausen and inadvertently trampling Seth Green (Damn hes tiny! I literally never saw him coming.).
P.E. and I made it over to Disney to check out the Pirates of the Caribbean re-vamp
Even ol P.E., who is far more forgiving of the first films flaws than I, was less than impressed and a bit disheartened by the ride being turned into a big advertisement for the movies. Basically they turned it into Jack Sparrow and the Pirates of the Caribbean.
I dont begrudge Disneys quest for the almighty dollar, but to me those classic rides are works of art. I dont mind the occasional tweaking of the effects, but the ride has stood on its own without having to resort to Hollywood star-fucking for close to forty years. Granted, maybe if Id enjoyed the movie Id feel differently, but
OK, yes, its not the end of the world, but I really do hate how our culture is so obsessed with new toys, so to speak, and pay increasingly little appreciation to the past.
Anyway, I doubt Ill have many opportunities to log on in the coming months, but Ill still be around.
Hope everyone is well!
OK, time for a very quick update. Im way past due, but things have gotten rather hectic lately.
Ya see, I done landed myself a new job! A real, honest to God TV writing gig! The thing is, I havent quit my day job - and hopefully wont have to. Its an ambitious undertaking as I now find myself having to pound out 90 pages a week in addition to my usual day to day duties, but the thought of the extra dough was just too enticing. For the first time in many, many years I could actually find myself debt free!
But the question remains: can I keep up such a pace up without losing my mind? We shall see. Theres only one other person on the staff who is attempting a similar juggling act, and Im pretty sure her other job is only part time.
But heres the kicker: the show is
(Drum roll please)

Yep, I am now hastening the decline of Western civilization by writing emotional porn for bored housewives!
Anyhow, wish me luck. Im really gonna need it.
Comicon was great. Highlights included numerous pints of Guinness, Ray Harryhausen and inadvertently trampling Seth Green (Damn hes tiny! I literally never saw him coming.).
P.E. and I made it over to Disney to check out the Pirates of the Caribbean re-vamp
Even ol P.E., who is far more forgiving of the first films flaws than I, was less than impressed and a bit disheartened by the ride being turned into a big advertisement for the movies. Basically they turned it into Jack Sparrow and the Pirates of the Caribbean.
I dont begrudge Disneys quest for the almighty dollar, but to me those classic rides are works of art. I dont mind the occasional tweaking of the effects, but the ride has stood on its own without having to resort to Hollywood star-fucking for close to forty years. Granted, maybe if Id enjoyed the movie Id feel differently, but
OK, yes, its not the end of the world, but I really do hate how our culture is so obsessed with new toys, so to speak, and pay increasingly little appreciation to the past.
Anyway, I doubt Ill have many opportunities to log on in the coming months, but Ill still be around.
Hope everyone is well!

*applause applause applause *
wait - do you have to actually write the applause in there?
Seriously, this is fucking EXCELLENT news and I'm quite happy for you, man. You know you need to write me offsite and spill what show, too - right? Cheers.
And on another, somewhat related note...
I was talking to a friend - said friend I moved across country - who has a great idea for a kid's show and for some odd reason I thought specifically of YOU (and anticus) to help develop it with me in a producer capacity. Now we really do have to make time - somehow, impossibly enough as it seems - to meet.
How's next month looking for you? I have to get my film into Sundance shape and am buried until I submit on Sept 1.
Feel free to take that last bit literally and figuratively.