hey my lil' strawberries,
my vacation was exactly what i needed before entering the real world of careerhood. i know have an actual grown up job in my field where i can now have my huge student loan paid off in a year and still spend my money on frivolous things like...beer, hair dye and nanaimo bars (the treat...not the bars in the small butt fuck nowhere town).
here are some pictures from my trip:
after sharing the backseat with me for 18 hours from vancouver to san fran its no wonder i got the finger. too bad it wasn't the good kind but i dont think i could post those pictures here anyway
some of the hottest girls in the universe and their sigs
after 1.5 hours at prom and totally blitzed out of my tree i was getting ansty to see the rest of san fran, we kidnapped Ophelia and SUNBURNTKAMEL around 10:30 ish and took them to some strange dyke bar. all i can say about that night is i was glad to meet some of you and that the US is so cheap for beer... i said their beer is cheap...not strong
but after so many a girl starts to see colours. i didn't realize u can buy liquor in subway there and corner stores. subway! the sandwich makers! took me a while to adjust.
the next morning we excaped from the hellhole that was our hotel and went on an adventure
those guys are painfully cute. my undying love for Ophelia will never fade.
tangent_one and i went to the museum of modern art and we saw the famous frida kahlo painting. i nabbed a picture under the watchful eye of security. it is in my pics folder.
next it was anaheim. it took about an hour for us to leave LAX cause some guy committed suicide and splatted in front of the shuttles.
we spent the good part of the next morning running around california adventure park ( i love the tower of doom!)and figuring out how we were going to meet up with
Jinxi and SoBeIt. they spotted us from their station in front of the castle and thus insued our wonderful day with the objects of my disneyland orgasm.
these two people are so unbelievably amazing. no shit. i wanted to cry when we said our goodbyes. their energy is so warm and special. they treated us like angels.
we left the next morning for puerto nuevo mexico. first we took the bus to san diego then to tijuana and finally puerto nuevo. tijuana is harsh. call me naive, go ahead do it, but i wasn't aware that the people of tijuana had such extremes in class, from the richest to the poorest. i felt awful for having enough money to go on this trip.
our hotel was a castle on the ocean and being the off season we had the whole place to ourselves. there was 160 suites and there was only the two of us running around having fun. we had the pool, tennis courts and the restaurant all for us at the resort.
ummm. i suck at tennis. no surprise there. i kept hitting the ball into the other courts.
so instead i spent alot of the time drunk in the pool or exploring the village next to us where we meet some interesting people. no visit is complete without mexican wrestling masks and beer.
i was both sad and happy to head home. our adventure was over for the time being but i missed clover so much. she become a little country dog and came home covered in moss.
talk to you all soon,
xoxoxoxox tiamat
i'll leave you with two more pictures
i'm a velociraptor
off to clean for the arrival of Bettina
my vacation was exactly what i needed before entering the real world of careerhood. i know have an actual grown up job in my field where i can now have my huge student loan paid off in a year and still spend my money on frivolous things like...beer, hair dye and nanaimo bars (the treat...not the bars in the small butt fuck nowhere town).
here are some pictures from my trip:
after sharing the backseat with me for 18 hours from vancouver to san fran its no wonder i got the finger. too bad it wasn't the good kind but i dont think i could post those pictures here anyway

some of the hottest girls in the universe and their sigs

after 1.5 hours at prom and totally blitzed out of my tree i was getting ansty to see the rest of san fran, we kidnapped Ophelia and SUNBURNTKAMEL around 10:30 ish and took them to some strange dyke bar. all i can say about that night is i was glad to meet some of you and that the US is so cheap for beer... i said their beer is cheap...not strong

the next morning we excaped from the hellhole that was our hotel and went on an adventure

those guys are painfully cute. my undying love for Ophelia will never fade.
tangent_one and i went to the museum of modern art and we saw the famous frida kahlo painting. i nabbed a picture under the watchful eye of security. it is in my pics folder.
next it was anaheim. it took about an hour for us to leave LAX cause some guy committed suicide and splatted in front of the shuttles.
we spent the good part of the next morning running around california adventure park ( i love the tower of doom!)and figuring out how we were going to meet up with
Jinxi and SoBeIt. they spotted us from their station in front of the castle and thus insued our wonderful day with the objects of my disneyland orgasm.

these two people are so unbelievably amazing. no shit. i wanted to cry when we said our goodbyes. their energy is so warm and special. they treated us like angels.
we left the next morning for puerto nuevo mexico. first we took the bus to san diego then to tijuana and finally puerto nuevo. tijuana is harsh. call me naive, go ahead do it, but i wasn't aware that the people of tijuana had such extremes in class, from the richest to the poorest. i felt awful for having enough money to go on this trip.
our hotel was a castle on the ocean and being the off season we had the whole place to ourselves. there was 160 suites and there was only the two of us running around having fun. we had the pool, tennis courts and the restaurant all for us at the resort.

ummm. i suck at tennis. no surprise there. i kept hitting the ball into the other courts.
so instead i spent alot of the time drunk in the pool or exploring the village next to us where we meet some interesting people. no visit is complete without mexican wrestling masks and beer.

i was both sad and happy to head home. our adventure was over for the time being but i missed clover so much. she become a little country dog and came home covered in moss.
talk to you all soon,
xoxoxoxox tiamat

i'll leave you with two more pictures

i'm a velociraptor

off to clean for the arrival of Bettina
The mailman just delivered a pkg of love and happiness to my front door!!!
THANK YOU a gazllion times over!!! I just emailed you too to thank you properly
I "heart" you SOOOOOOO MUCH!!
Hope your week is off to a fantastic start!!
Tons of Kisses & Winx - Jinxi
ps - check out our Dland fun-times photos in my journal - ahhhhh... what a dream you are!