O.k. wow it's been so long. I am now a mother of four and married to a wonderful man. I had my youngest child, Laila on June 3rd. She was really small weighing in a 7lbs 15oz and 21.75in tall. Small for me lol. I am going back to school the 29th as well. LPN here I come...as soon as I get into the program!...
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I hate to say it but from what I've been told he is no longer with us. I live Ames, great job, good friends, how's marshalltown?
Oh no. My dad isn't either. Marshalltown isn't as bad as it's reputation
It's a quaint little town and other than my husband being screwed on short term disability from his work
we're doing reall well! I'm glad you found something you like to do! When I have the money and am no longer nursing I'll have to come in and get Laila's name tattooed on me with the others.

Long time no update. Well, I am about to start my second semester of pre-reqs. for Nursing school. YES! And I am engaged and loving it! (if only we could find a place to live together) And.... I am pregnant again and due in June!!! We are very happy and excited! 

Good luck in school and congrats!! 

Thank you on both! I am very excited!! 

Going back to school in the spring. Hopefully in the next week or so if I can get into a couple classes. My job is kicking my ass. Working overnights and being a single mom of three wee ones doesn't work the best. So... Nursing school here I come! My ultimate goal is to become an O.B. The man I am practically married to is...
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It would be my birth mother's birthday today. I have had a lot of sleepless nights lately and I have been thinking about her often. I miss her so much and it's been 14 years. Hmm. I am going to her grave site today and have a cig. with her. I know she is with us all the time, but it's nice to visit. I...
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Get out my group damnit! I thought you'd stop following me around now that we aren't together anymore. 

Confusion and wonder at ..hmm why am I up this late? I've been sick lately and haven't had much sleep am exhausted but find that I can't sleep worth poo. I haven't been able to turn my brain off. Craziness reigns here lately... They say a mind is a horrible thing to waste but the fucker can get you in a lot of trouble. I'm...
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Hmm. I had so much to say, but now it has left me. Damn brainfarts!! Hope everyone is having a lovely weekned...

I'm sorry about your mom even though it was years ago. Just remember that she may be gone, but she's with you right now.
Thank you. I know she is. Some days I wish I could see her just one more time. 

I don't understand people and I am not sure if I ever will or really want to. I don't even understand myself most days. I have so much to be happy about and still find myself saddened a lot. Things nag at me so much. I am of course naturally a worry wart and that doesn't help. Some days my demons win me over a...
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Some days life just throws things at you all at once and you feel like screaming and crying together. I am ready to give up on so much right now. It sucks. But, on a happier note, my youngest will be a year old a week from today.
Think Positive. 

I haven't been able to go back to Curves yet. I have lost three pounds so far, though. Maybe, hopefully some day I can start looking good again.
I'm ready to stop getting the stares and rude comments from people. One day some dumbass was driving by and called out "hey I spotted a hippopotamus!" That was the worst one.

good for you
I am going to go back to Curves as long as I can make the time to go and can afford it. Those fad diets cost too much and apparently don't work that well. Wish me luck everyone!

He's a rosehair. He is awesome 

I have had about enough. I may end up going to visit my god parents for the weekend. It depends on some things. I'm ready to get my boys back from their dad's. I miss them. I miss a lot of things.
I'm in Indianola because I'm getting divorced and my family are all in this area. I grew up on the south side of Des Moines and my parents are still there and friends that I grew up with etc so I just came home.
I hope everyone had a great Christmas and has a happy New Year! I'm going to try......
Don't get too blitzed!
Don't get too blitzed!