Hi my name is Rob and I'm very drunk right now. Did I tell you girls suck? Just in general not all. Hey also I'm finding out that I am tooo cautious when flirting. I don't follow through. Why do mosty girls think that just because I calkll them that I all of a sudden want something serious to happemn? I'm fine with casual dating/. Suck it Trebeck! >What? Okay so just for once I would like it if a girl was honestly straight forward. Do you like me? Yes or no? Don't pussy foot arounf=d it and waste my time! Uhhhhh! For once I would like it for a girl to say " Hey I like you but v=can we just have fun ab=nd see where it goes?" Fucking be honest!!!!
I'm tired of my picture. Need a change.
I wil regret this tomorrow but do I really care? No! I'm wearing a very old Tori amos concert shirt right now from like 94. Can't a brother just have fun? I'll post concert opiscs when I sober up. time to sleep!
I like chicken!
I'm tired of my picture. Need a change.
I wil regret this tomorrow but do I really care? No! I'm wearing a very old Tori amos concert shirt right now from like 94. Can't a brother just have fun? I'll post concert opiscs when I sober up. time to sleep!

And I am sorry that you think girls suck so much! That is a shit!
On another note. I love chicken too!!!!
ps- you should come over to watch Nip Tuck episodes, now that I have seasons one and two on DVD!!!!