I wasn't real familiar with Dimebag's music but I was lucky enough to photograph him at a concert a couple months ago and met him backstage later. I could tell he was a man that loved what he did and I think it's pathetic that someone would take his life over some fucked up reasoning.
And also let's not forget Mayhem for trying to protect his friends and the two fans that were also killed that night. And one last thing. I know that you may want to cuss out a cop when he pulls you over for a ticket but remember it is because of that 1 policeman that others weren't killed. So say thank you to a officer the next time you pass one. I know that sounds retarded but they need to know we appreciate them for what they do.
Okay time to get off my soap box........That's all for now.
[Edited on Dec 13, 2004 2:00AM]
Agree with you 100 % on the cop thing. That cop stopped more shit from happening when no one else could. Mayhem I hear was a great person to know and helped out alot around the Dallas area guard wise. It would be a blast to see someone so enthusiastic also at Scarborough Fair. All around shame what happened. Always has to be something messed up to make us realize that certain aspects of thinking may or may not happen. Alot of musicians think it pointless to have so much security and what not. At least never thinking of someone actually coming onstage and blasting away.
Great meeting you, next time we all get together we'll talk some more.