Hello All. I'm sorry I haven't been updating lately. I'm just .....tired. I'm working too much and yes girls suck again. I'm just tired of all the crap. And to top it off my ex-girlfriend (Christina) contacted me a week ago wanting to talk and I said now isn't good. Well then her mom was put into a hospital (it's a long story but to make it short) she died today. I got there just a little too late and it was hard. She and her friends called me last night saying that Christina wouldn't talk to anyone about what was soon to happen (which happened today) to her mom unless it was with me. Well it took me 3 months to stop thinking about her and I had one month of being past her. and now crisis! Why does it have to be me she needs to talk to? She says I'm her best friend and I have to correct her and tell her I'm her ex and I can't be friends with her. It hurts too much. So I was with her today and I cried with her because I really liked her mom and then of course those feelings for her that I finally put aside came back. But what can I do? Say sorry your mom is dying but I can't be there? Well I couldn't do that and now I have to start over at square one. It's one of those days where I just wanted to go to my parents and curl up into a ball on my mom's lap and cry but of course I had to work and because I'm freelance I couldn't call in sick.
Sometimes life just plain sucks so anyday now I welcome an easy week. A slow work week, good friends and a date would be a nice start. Well I'll see all of you Dallas Bowlers Sunday unless I'm a depressing mess then I won't because I'm a big drag when I'm like that.
Goodnight and tell your family and friends that you love them.
Sometimes life just plain sucks so anyday now I welcome an easy week. A slow work week, good friends and a date would be a nice start. Well I'll see all of you Dallas Bowlers Sunday unless I'm a depressing mess then I won't because I'm a big drag when I'm like that.
Goodnight and tell your family and friends that you love them.
Yeah, that pic was pretty gross. I read the sub-title.
Yeah. Nice colors.