I'm in a big ol' slump! About what you ask? The same crap I always complain about. The two girls I totally get along with don't really want me right now? Meaning I know they like/have liked me and been attracted to me but currently have issues or the boat has sailed. And the one girl I am, I guess successfully, dating is cool but I feel like I'm trying to make it work sometimes and she leaves for another country in a couple months (we'll call her girl C)! What's even more screwed up is girl A (who I liked a year ago but had just gotten out of a relationship then) is now giving me advice on girl B ( who is going through break-up emotions right now.) What's sad is both stories are so similar it's scary. A tells me to stay away from B until she gets over her X (Ex- get it) or I will go into friend zone because altough B is attracted to me and loves (her words) spending time with me she just isn't ready to think about anyone in a romantic way yet. So fine I'll listen to A about B and bug out thus hoping to leave open the possibility for dating B later. So then I ask A well if that was you then why shouldn't we date now? Well I guess that boat sailed because shes all talkin about another guy and although she asked me to get pizza and to watch a movie at her place....well look what time I'm writing this. I was home by 10. So A and B are out and I have to convince myself of that and be mad that I have terrible timing and I guess concentrate on C (She is very pretty and cool but remember she's leaving) until that boat sails or well until her plane flies. So I keep holding out hope about meeting the right person but it is wearing thin. So who feels like they just left math class? I didn't even tell you about girl Z. Maybe next time.

You are HOT HOT!!!!! I am a great photographer! lol

Love the pic!