So this past year has been one of my toughest. Which also led to a heart condition of the worst kind. A very persistent cough. Congestive heart failure. It was a self destructive course I had set myself on. It initially started with this girl I was trying to see but, was not able too. It simply was I wanted her for myself and she...
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Not sure what happened. Last year or maybe later then that I trusted people. I believed people at their word. I fought my inner nature of distrust. I thought I had a good understanding of human nature or at least I thought. I ignored my inner voice with one woman and it cost me a lot more than I thought.

Now what I am is...
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I know the first guy or gal burnt by someone they thought they could trust. I just purchased the domain and plan on building a site where you can post your thoughts on someone you thought was in your corner but later turned out not to be. In my case I was madly in love with this girl lets just say my designs into helping...
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It gets better and better. Got rid of the girl. Apparently I was having a bad case of loser denial and she apparently had another bf. I am really happy it is over. :) I have always struck out with women. I can always find the users out of any of them. I had one that wasn't but still. Damn. A to common scenario these...
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I do wish my cell phone had a breath analyzer on it. :)

It was difficult I did not like what I saw. I had to strip down some elements of who I was . If you review everything you do as a transaction with other people you start to see the shape of things. So let me begin. View everything you do as crazy. Remember a couple of items in basic psychology . Crazy people believe they...
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