we got the first coat on before the boy had to totter off to work.

this room is going to look SICK by the time we're done.
we're only painting two walls red and its the other two walls i face when i'm at my computer. i keep getting up and being pleasantly shocked about the transformation all over again.
in other news, i made myself a garlic tampon.
feels weird.
i've never prayed for a yeast infection but it is vastly preferable to a bladder infection so here i am with my fingers crossed for yeast. a million years ago, London told me that garlic was an effective homeopathic remedy for yeast infections so i looked it up.
i was on the fence about stuffing my vagina full of garlic until i read that you're supposed to be able to taste garlic in your mouth while you have it in. its supposed to be so noticeable that its used as a method to determine if you got it all back out. still taste garlic? then it's still packed in the box.
my first thought was, "MAN, i wish my boyfriend had a vagina so he could experience this too!". my second thought was, "well there go my aspirations for being a vampire", my third thought was, "no, i'm still safe, vampires don't get yeast infections".
so i craftily set about stitching myself up a garlic tampooon with some dental floss (advised for easy removal). i should have taken a picture. next time.
anyway, the jury is still out on the garlicky mouth. it wasn't instant but if i'm not tasting garlic by tomorrow morning i'm going to be disappointed!
BTW, great wall colors. Orange is my homeboy. How long have you been in the place?
b. Thanks. Our cats love you too. (As a matter of fact, they love anyone with a lap.)
c.Please do send me the vasectomy post when you find the time. I may be going under the knife in the reasonably near future and could use all the laughs I can get.
d. My lady and I are similarly child-free. I love reading blogs by people who are annoyed by children. And my favorite is this., which I own.
e. Haha. Awesome. Quasi wedding parties all around! We've decided we're going to mash up traditions from whatever religious and civil ceremonies we like. And there will most definitely not be a DJ playing "Cotton Eye Joe" for some baby boomers to break a hip to. Good music only.
f. There is nothing to put for f. I'm just getting really into this alphabet-labelled listing. So here, I'll just put this pirate kissing this kitty.