my thumb drive shit the bed and the new one arrived the next day.
i'm now the owner of the tiniest thumb drive known to man!

nom nom nom nom.
i'm practically BESIDE myself to move into the new apartment next week. just 6 days. just 6 days.
we're going to rent a van from uhaul because it appears to be the cheapest option.
i've been fantasy shopping on etsy for when i can get my full-fledged nesting action on. unfortunately, work is looking a little dire next month so all the cool wall decals etc i want to buy are going to have to wait until i'm actually making some money.
at the very least, we HAVE to have a new couch for when Crymsen comes to visit for the last time!! knowing my fucking luck, the only work i'll have in april will be the weekend he's here. murphy's law. whatever.
fancy feast is shooting in the studio today. no cats but i got to hear all about how they prep cats for shoots, mane extensions, butthole make up and the like. it was preeeeetty hilarious.
in other news poladroid is pretty cool.....

i'm now the owner of the tiniest thumb drive known to man!

nom nom nom nom.
i'm practically BESIDE myself to move into the new apartment next week. just 6 days. just 6 days.
we're going to rent a van from uhaul because it appears to be the cheapest option.
i've been fantasy shopping on etsy for when i can get my full-fledged nesting action on. unfortunately, work is looking a little dire next month so all the cool wall decals etc i want to buy are going to have to wait until i'm actually making some money.
at the very least, we HAVE to have a new couch for when Crymsen comes to visit for the last time!! knowing my fucking luck, the only work i'll have in april will be the weekend he's here. murphy's law. whatever.
fancy feast is shooting in the studio today. no cats but i got to hear all about how they prep cats for shoots, mane extensions, butthole make up and the like. it was preeeeetty hilarious.
in other news poladroid is pretty cool.....

you should have witnessed the inner sturm und drang when i finally went to see a therapist a few months ago. hahaha. HAAAATED IT! the lady kept telling me to stop apologizing every time i'd complain about something. faugh!