'sup kiddies?
here i am
i'm waiting for my friend to come meet me to work on our finance projects.
wo0t! who loves determining the standard deviation of stocks? oh, that's me!
actually, these days finance and accounting are battling equally for my heart.
dear sweet accounting, how you make me yearn with a desire to organize things, but finance, you know how to make me sweat for your compounded interest...
two lovers between which i am torn.
here i am

i'm waiting for my friend to come meet me to work on our finance projects.
wo0t! who loves determining the standard deviation of stocks? oh, that's me!
actually, these days finance and accounting are battling equally for my heart.
dear sweet accounting, how you make me yearn with a desire to organize things, but finance, you know how to make me sweat for your compounded interest...
two lovers between which i am torn.
....and then you speak of your love for Finance and Accounting.
As John Cleese said in the "Vocational Guidance Counselor Sketch":
"The only way that we can fight this terrible, debilitating social disease is by informing the general public of its consequences. By showing young people that it's just not worth it."
"So, please, give generoulsy to this address:"
The League for Fighting
Chartered Accountancy
55, Lincoln House,
Basil Street,
London, S. W. 3.
(Hopefully, you know I'm only kidding, and that I adore you to death!