last night sucked. the heater had be broken for a few days and the temp dipped into the lower 40's.
i was in fluffy socks, jammy pants, a long sleeved shirt, fleece jacket, under a comforter and a fleece blanket on flannel sheets and i still woke freezing to death. my hands and feet were ice and my jaw was all clenched.
one of the cats was warming up my middle but i could have used a dozen more.
thank god the landlord came and fixed it this morning!
here's a pic of my roommate and i.

ALSO!!! my website finally got updated! as far as i can tell, all the links work, and all my new stuff is up! check it out!
my site
and always
my online publisher's site
I once went a month without having my heat fixed; it was a masochistic time

Jammies. Fleece. My-my. You sounded all kinds of snuggly.