right now i'm working on a logo for a doggie daycare company. i didn't discuss payment with the people who asked for it and i have a suspicion that they are going to try and low-ball me. something about how neither of them can draw a straight line, but an art student could just 'whip' a logo out.
either way, it's good experience.
it's looking like i might have the opportunity to be a hair model at a tony & guy salon later this month. it's not set in stone yet, but hopefully it'll happen. i'm always looking for modeling jobs to gain experience.
these pictures were taken by the very talented tripledead. they are $25 plus shipping for each 8x12, photo glossy print.
all images tripledead 2005
payment can be made by clicking the 'buyers' link at paypal.com and sending money to halcyon_girl@hotmail.com
contact me if you are interested in ordering, to specify which print you want or to discuss an alternate payment arrangement.
my website
I actually went ahead and bought that "How to get Free Money to Pay Your Bills!" book. Y'know, from that really annoying guy on the commercial in the weird "?" suit. Yeah, I know, I had a moment of weakness.
But if you're really interested, I'll look it up for you.
P.S. Don't go buying that book yourself, unless it's from a local store....they sign you up for a load of junk-mail and spam when you do!
That would be rad. I had to dye my hair back to normal for clinicals. I am sad. oh well.