today i went to costco and forever more i shall not want for soap and saltines.
i only went for a FEW THINGS, but costco just has this sort of affect on me. "man, if i get that now, i won't have to buy any more for like THREE YEARS!!"
here's a picture of a butter knife that i dropped. i thought it was cool that it landed this way but it's even better that the picture turned out with such dramatic lighting.
BUTTER KNIFE OF THE HEAVENS. legend says that the man able to wrest this knife from this floor will become the ruler of the kingdom...
this is the face i make for my nephew (thursday = world's coolest aunt).
and here's a random, particularly somber self-portrait.
comics make great gifts!
for free heads up penny
Just emailed ya. I really hope the camera helps!
...and, so, the Butterknife of the Heavens was drawn forth from the Linoleum, by the young King. And it was good. And there was much rejoicing in the kitchens and the pantries and the tearooms of the Kingdom. For all now had a Leige whom could bring them the sacred butter for their toast points and their muffins and their slices of warm bread. But, alas, little did they know of the impending danger of the Cholesterol Overlord who wanted the Holy Butterknife for his own...