my computer was all up shizzed up the other day and i couldn't read comments. it sucked and only served to remind me that one day i'm going to have to replace it. expensive humming box. hmm..
actually, computers are damn near cheap for what i threw down for this one almost 5 years ago. even with the educational discount my G4 desktop with a tower Mac was $2500 aboot.
now a rad laptop can be under $2000. tooootally sweet.
oh yeah, i wanted to ask the photographers among you a question. i would really like to acquire a camera either with a timer or a remote shutter release so that i may be able to photograph myself for this site in the future. i know dick about cameras and could use some suggestions. thanks.
now for the exciting news! i finished a new mini-comic!!
this is the cover and the first two pages.
it's sooooo funny. especially if you don't like bananas either. seriously, banana-eaters just don't get it.
and now, here's me!
more comics by me
my online publisher
actually, computers are damn near cheap for what i threw down for this one almost 5 years ago. even with the educational discount my G4 desktop with a tower Mac was $2500 aboot.
now a rad laptop can be under $2000. tooootally sweet.
oh yeah, i wanted to ask the photographers among you a question. i would really like to acquire a camera either with a timer or a remote shutter release so that i may be able to photograph myself for this site in the future. i know dick about cameras and could use some suggestions. thanks.
now for the exciting news! i finished a new mini-comic!!
this is the cover and the first two pages.

it's sooooo funny. especially if you don't like bananas either. seriously, banana-eaters just don't get it.
and now, here's me!

more comics by me
my online publisher
If you are down with veggi matter food mass consider the following, not that you asked.
One half of a cauliflower, break that puppy into pieces like dipping chunks, steam it but without losing its firm texture: two min.
Chop it up into the smallest bits, make a pile, keep it dry.
In pan, heat the oil, do stuff to that with spices and onions.
Make a mess, put the cauliflower and tomato sauce in the pan, saut, make it thick with low temp and time.
Add cheese to the pan if it is runny. This is your sauce, slather it on think and do what you do otherwise.
I hope that helps with the camera