a new year. leap year. one extra day this year. one more day to 'make a difference...'
AND ONE MORE DAY FOR ME TO LIVE THROUGH UNTIL I TURN 21 DAMNIT!! seriously, i've waited 20 freakin years to turn 21, and now i have to wait one more extra day, what the hell...
paranoia finally paid off for me last night. i didn't go anywhere (sorry) and I found out this morning someone got stabbed on the path i would have taken to my house from the bus if i would have gone out.
i don't make new year's resolutions. it shouldn't take just one day for someone to want to change something. i can find stuff every day that i want to change so bah on new year's resolutions.
so...i am not interested in dating anymore, i'm quite sick of it, i think i've mentioned that before. the reason is the 'love of my life' moved away from here to the west coast. we have a kick ass history, we were always really close friends. the reason nothing ever happened was we both were in really long relationships, she wound up having a baby with the guy she was with, and i was just whipped. but both of our relationships ended at the same time, but she had no where to live because the ex-boyfriend kicked her out and she moved back to her family on the west coast. i only get to see her like once a year, but i am totally
over her. i invited her to go to my sister's wedding with me as my date, and she is gonna stay with me for a week. so what do you think would be the smart thing to do, just take things easy, or try and talk to her and tell her how i feel, or just go balls to the wall and put the moves on her. I am really scared, i don't want it to be weird.
AND ONE MORE DAY FOR ME TO LIVE THROUGH UNTIL I TURN 21 DAMNIT!! seriously, i've waited 20 freakin years to turn 21, and now i have to wait one more extra day, what the hell...
paranoia finally paid off for me last night. i didn't go anywhere (sorry) and I found out this morning someone got stabbed on the path i would have taken to my house from the bus if i would have gone out.
i don't make new year's resolutions. it shouldn't take just one day for someone to want to change something. i can find stuff every day that i want to change so bah on new year's resolutions.
so...i am not interested in dating anymore, i'm quite sick of it, i think i've mentioned that before. the reason is the 'love of my life' moved away from here to the west coast. we have a kick ass history, we were always really close friends. the reason nothing ever happened was we both were in really long relationships, she wound up having a baby with the guy she was with, and i was just whipped. but both of our relationships ended at the same time, but she had no where to live because the ex-boyfriend kicked her out and she moved back to her family on the west coast. i only get to see her like once a year, but i am totally

my new year's eve was in fact not more exciting than yours. and yeah, the history channel showed the history of sex all fucking night.
I think you should wait until she gets there before you decide if you're going to tell her anything, and if things are going ok, than just tell her how you feel. You can only know if you try. Good luck!