Message from Jon:
Subject: Help a brotha out
Dude, I just tried to upload a new music track, but it's wma. How would I go about switching that over? I really hope you know this stuff coz I'm retarded when it comes to computers any more. you are my only hope.
Reply from Me:
you have to convert the file to mp3, you will need to download a MP3 converter and then go through the process there.
"Help me hurmis, you are my only hope" sounds like some star wars shit. good luck.
His reply:
Great it worked, next i think they need your help on allderran. Oh yeah and we just got some distress signals from hoth.
further proof of how big of a dork my best friend and I are.
...Only a master of geekiness, Darth!
Hope I see you around sometime this weekend
PS: I like the new tune you put up on myspace