So, as I explained, this past weekend was my step-brother's graduation party. he lived out in DeKalb before and while i lived out there, and when i moved back to chicago he was going into his senior year of high school. my dad moved to southern illinois (mt. vernon area) and he wanted to finish the school year in DeKalb so he stayed at my dad's best friends house for the last few months of school.
So, let the picture journal begin...

I took Metra out there, I was supposed to get an earlier train but due to the brown line being down to one line at southport, i missed my train. So I took the next train out there and arrived at 2, when the graduation ceremony was starting. When I called my dad to tell him I was going to be late he said he'd meet me at the train station. I get there at 2, he's no where to be found. I call him, and he says "Well, the ceremony has already started, I'll just pick you up afterwards, it should only be an hour."
At this point I can understand him not wanting to leave, so I sit down, get comfy, and start waiting. and waiting. an hour goes by, he's not there yet. 2 hours go by and I start to get pissed. and bored.

and as it starts to come around 2 and a half hours, I contemplate hitch hiking. there's only one problem, I haven't seen a damn person since everyone left my train. the only person I saw was a cop writing tickets to cars parked backwards (head out) in the parking spots. I wished I would have had my one hitter with me, waiting that long would only be a little more enjoyable if high. so I try to amuse myself.

so after 3 hours my stepbrother calls me to let me know that my dad is on his way to pick me up. the train dropped me off in Elburn, IL. that's about 25 minutes outside of DeKalb, roughly 20-25 miles.
So my dad picks me up, we bullshit on the way back into town and meet with everyone else at the pizza place that his girlfriend was having everyone meet up with after the graduation. while I'm there my dad has his best friend and his family there, who were the people my stepbrother stayed with. I'm having a good time until my ex shows up (their daughter). the only thing that made me feel better is the fact that she's put on an INSANE amount of weight, and I've slimmed. life's a bitch like that. we went back to the hotel where i lounged up in the room and watched the hockey game while my dad and his family went swimming. they left his girlfriend's mom up in the hotel room. she's blind, and a little crazy, and she doesn't know how to shut up. she started talking shit about my real brother to me, and I proceeded to tell her to shut the fuck up. i can't stand that lady.
i was up late watching cartoons with my 10 year old stepbrother that he probably shouldn't have been watching. but, i'm not around that much to corrupt him so i had to work while i had the chance.

so the next morning i wake up to the beautiful scenery that is Rochelle, IL. From the hotel you could see the walmart, the high school, a cornfield, and beyond the highschool you can see the smoke stacks from the nuke plant about 60 miles away.
i went with my dad and his friend to pick up tables, chairs, food, and the keg. we get back to his friends house and set up for the party and tapped the keg. and the drinking began promptly at 10 or 11am. jesus christ. I got bored and went walking around, this was on the lawn across the street from their house.

i got back to the house in time to have a few more drinks and then i wandered in to bother my dad while he's cooking.

my dad. vietnam vet. retired chicago policeman. crazy ass bastard. and with no regard for health codes.

so my stepbrother finally showed up, at about noon, and i was already drunk. seconds after this picture was taken my dad's girlfriend comes running out into the yard screaming that we are taking the party to the hotel, she didn't wanna be somewhere with a bunch of assholes. i'm still not sure what happened, i know it had something to do with my dad's friend and my stepbrother's real father. but whatever, we loaded everything up and headed back to the hotel, snuck the keg in the back door, where i proceeded to carry it up the few stairs and then drop it at the top.

this sums up the rest of the night. i drank. and drank. and drank. and drank.

and drank some more.
and drank some more.

then i found my little stepbrother's swimming goggles and proceeded to act like i was swimming through all the plants in the hotel room.

and then i got drunk, a little too drunk. and missed the first train i wanted to go to. so my dad said he'd make sure we left on time to get the other one. and we missed it too, so my dad just decided to drive me into the loop where i'd just grab the brown line home.

we got lost. and then i drunkenly navigated us into aurora where we found the toll road.

then i found my way home, and started to focus a little bit. i came in and drunkenly rambled to teh roomie about my day, there's a lot more that happened, but this entry is too long as it is, and most of the stories are better told in person.
So, let the picture journal begin...

I took Metra out there, I was supposed to get an earlier train but due to the brown line being down to one line at southport, i missed my train. So I took the next train out there and arrived at 2, when the graduation ceremony was starting. When I called my dad to tell him I was going to be late he said he'd meet me at the train station. I get there at 2, he's no where to be found. I call him, and he says "Well, the ceremony has already started, I'll just pick you up afterwards, it should only be an hour."
At this point I can understand him not wanting to leave, so I sit down, get comfy, and start waiting. and waiting. an hour goes by, he's not there yet. 2 hours go by and I start to get pissed. and bored.

and as it starts to come around 2 and a half hours, I contemplate hitch hiking. there's only one problem, I haven't seen a damn person since everyone left my train. the only person I saw was a cop writing tickets to cars parked backwards (head out) in the parking spots. I wished I would have had my one hitter with me, waiting that long would only be a little more enjoyable if high. so I try to amuse myself.

so after 3 hours my stepbrother calls me to let me know that my dad is on his way to pick me up. the train dropped me off in Elburn, IL. that's about 25 minutes outside of DeKalb, roughly 20-25 miles.
So my dad picks me up, we bullshit on the way back into town and meet with everyone else at the pizza place that his girlfriend was having everyone meet up with after the graduation. while I'm there my dad has his best friend and his family there, who were the people my stepbrother stayed with. I'm having a good time until my ex shows up (their daughter). the only thing that made me feel better is the fact that she's put on an INSANE amount of weight, and I've slimmed. life's a bitch like that. we went back to the hotel where i lounged up in the room and watched the hockey game while my dad and his family went swimming. they left his girlfriend's mom up in the hotel room. she's blind, and a little crazy, and she doesn't know how to shut up. she started talking shit about my real brother to me, and I proceeded to tell her to shut the fuck up. i can't stand that lady.
i was up late watching cartoons with my 10 year old stepbrother that he probably shouldn't have been watching. but, i'm not around that much to corrupt him so i had to work while i had the chance.

so the next morning i wake up to the beautiful scenery that is Rochelle, IL. From the hotel you could see the walmart, the high school, a cornfield, and beyond the highschool you can see the smoke stacks from the nuke plant about 60 miles away.
i went with my dad and his friend to pick up tables, chairs, food, and the keg. we get back to his friends house and set up for the party and tapped the keg. and the drinking began promptly at 10 or 11am. jesus christ. I got bored and went walking around, this was on the lawn across the street from their house.

i got back to the house in time to have a few more drinks and then i wandered in to bother my dad while he's cooking.

my dad. vietnam vet. retired chicago policeman. crazy ass bastard. and with no regard for health codes.

so my stepbrother finally showed up, at about noon, and i was already drunk. seconds after this picture was taken my dad's girlfriend comes running out into the yard screaming that we are taking the party to the hotel, she didn't wanna be somewhere with a bunch of assholes. i'm still not sure what happened, i know it had something to do with my dad's friend and my stepbrother's real father. but whatever, we loaded everything up and headed back to the hotel, snuck the keg in the back door, where i proceeded to carry it up the few stairs and then drop it at the top.

this sums up the rest of the night. i drank. and drank. and drank. and drank.

and drank some more.
and drank some more.

then i found my little stepbrother's swimming goggles and proceeded to act like i was swimming through all the plants in the hotel room.

and then i got drunk, a little too drunk. and missed the first train i wanted to go to. so my dad said he'd make sure we left on time to get the other one. and we missed it too, so my dad just decided to drive me into the loop where i'd just grab the brown line home.

we got lost. and then i drunkenly navigated us into aurora where we found the toll road.

then i found my way home, and started to focus a little bit. i came in and drunkenly rambled to teh roomie about my day, there's a lot more that happened, but this entry is too long as it is, and most of the stories are better told in person.
Stupid rude rock pile.

Well then I want to hear some of these stories at the next event. Family is ... family is such a fucked-up thing.