I'm back for a little while. Probably just for a month. I just want to check up on the place, ya know?
I leave Suicidegirls on April 6th.
Hey hey... I bought some stuff from Amazon and most of it came today. Yay for packages.
what didya buy?
oh yea and you have prime taste in the cinema and music
Back in the dorm. Feel free to continue ignoring me.

Home for the week. Time for some IMPROV!
I've decided to get a pile of books that I can read over the remainder of my second semester. Anyone have any suggestions? I think the first one I'm going to get is Snow Crash... I heard that's good.
Yay for new pictures.
I need to learn how to start dancing with random girls at clubs. I decided to go to one with my friends tonight, cause I secretly want to be a super-sweet breaker. Anywho, there were several cute girls there that gave me looks and I'm just totally clueless when it comes to doing anything with that sort of situation. I really, really, really wanted to...
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woah...more NC peeps hee hee...not many of us around here hee hee
hell yeah dude, i know exactly how you feel...if someone gives me a look i shrink away into my own little shell and hide...pisses me off too heh...and yeah, i just wanna be touched, but its been a while and i'm afraid of how i'd react...may need to bring a change of clothes on my next date
hell yeah dude, i know exactly how you feel...if someone gives me a look i shrink away into my own little shell and hide...pisses me off too heh...and yeah, i just wanna be touched, but its been a while and i'm afraid of how i'd react...may need to bring a change of clothes on my next date

I find that when I post a new journal in the middle of the night no one reads it. Prove me wrong...
But only because you think the last chapter of Clockword Orange sucked, too.
That's the only instance I can think of where I'm glad the movie changed the plot. Or I think they did... 'Cause it's been a few years since I've seen the movie...
But only because you think the last chapter of Clockword Orange sucked, too.
That's the only instance I can think of where I'm glad the movie changed the plot. Or I think they did... 'Cause it's been a few years since I've seen the movie...
a thick, deep pyre of luxurious flesh covers the bones of my buh-bump buh-bump
my more carnal self
i chose to disjoint and suffer a sensous fatality
"i'm trapped in the past" stated the fated
"i'm trapped in the present" said the head
"i'm trapped in the future" bellow the fellow
quit your wining
my more carnal self
i chose to disjoint and suffer a sensous fatality
"i'm trapped in the past" stated the fated
"i'm trapped in the present" said the head
"i'm trapped in the future" bellow the fellow
quit your wining