OK, fine. I'll update.
I haven't had much ambition to update my journal, but I do miss many of you. I have been busy, or so that is my lame excuse. I hope to be squeezed into a love fest between simplehiker, pollywog, penguinscheme, and benjamin. If such an event could take place near the ape attraction at the zoo, then I would bubble over with smiles.
I was watching the news last night, and came across the most amazing lady. Ms. Redundancy, as I will call her, produced one of the most breath taking sentences I have ever heard. When asked about a school levy, or some other non-sense related to public schooling, the lady said, "I don't think the school board was being truly truthful ". Misery and I howled with laughter for atleast half the hour. The possibilities of using such redundant phrases became endless: Are you being truly truthful about you cat feline? I took my feline cat to the vet animal hospital. I laid a turd crap. The portly heffer ate my dog.
Thank you Ms. Stupidity for assuring us a night, or more, of laughter.
I've been a hermit lately because I have been absurdly interested in the world of finance. I may be putting law school on hold. I can't stop reading all of the information that is related to the financial world. When Misery is not home, I spend endless hours researching financial topics on Wikipedia. My math degree, as I have found out, could be very valuable when I try to find employment as a financier. With school losing some of its luster, and creating a financially sound future for Misery and myself becoming a more important goal, I can't help but become attracted to something that has endless possibilities for advancement, utilizes my fondness of mathematics/logic, and offers an endless fascination because of the breadth and depth of the subject.
I just want a decent life, Misery, a nice car, and to give Misery the freedom and ability to pursue her love of helping animals, without her having to work in a job she hates. A simple life. I don't need anything fancy, just to make the person I wake up to every morning happy.
I missed SteveOdelux's goodbye party. He's such an nice guy, and has a great, dark sense of humor. I'm forgetful, and I don't check this page very often, so I sat on my ass as the party went on. Sorry, Steve. I was truly truthfully sad, but I hope you don't hold it against me. I hope we get a chance to hang out more when you get back from NasCar land. This paragraph should be at the top of the page because it is important, but I'm too lazy to cut and paste.
PS...warchild is back. Go say hi. Great to see him here, again. His trademarked style of belly shirts has always ushered him to the top of my respect list. He has an ok personality, too
On a side note, I have noticed that a lot of people seem to confuse apes and monkeys, or use the word monkeys to describe anything with human-like traits, i.e. David Hassellhoff is a ass monkey -- wait, that's not right. Anyhow, monkeys have tails. They are usually smaller and dumber than any apes. Apes do not have tails, and are smarter, yet they still throw poop, which makes them dumber, in some weird paradoxical way. I can't tell you how many people have tried to argue with me on this point by insisting that chimpanzees have tails. They don't. They have a huge ass, and sometimes what looks to be a prolapsed colon, but that goatse is not a tail. Hence, they are a member of the ape family, or more specifically the Great Ape family which consists of chimps, gorillas, orangutans, and one or two other pre-humans that I am forgetting.
I think that apes could easily defeat monkeys in a fight involving sporks, unless a monkey were to attack the ape's prolapsed colon, thus causing a spork blood-bath from the resulting ruptured colon. The melee that would ensue would probably end with apes running for the hills while securely jamming their thumbs into their ass to prevent a further spork attack on their achilles heal. The monkeys would leave the turd and blood-soaked battlefield victorious, yet still dumber than apes.
I haven't had much ambition to update my journal, but I do miss many of you. I have been busy, or so that is my lame excuse. I hope to be squeezed into a love fest between simplehiker, pollywog, penguinscheme, and benjamin. If such an event could take place near the ape attraction at the zoo, then I would bubble over with smiles.
I was watching the news last night, and came across the most amazing lady. Ms. Redundancy, as I will call her, produced one of the most breath taking sentences I have ever heard. When asked about a school levy, or some other non-sense related to public schooling, the lady said, "I don't think the school board was being truly truthful ". Misery and I howled with laughter for atleast half the hour. The possibilities of using such redundant phrases became endless: Are you being truly truthful about you cat feline? I took my feline cat to the vet animal hospital. I laid a turd crap. The portly heffer ate my dog.
Thank you Ms. Stupidity for assuring us a night, or more, of laughter.
I've been a hermit lately because I have been absurdly interested in the world of finance. I may be putting law school on hold. I can't stop reading all of the information that is related to the financial world. When Misery is not home, I spend endless hours researching financial topics on Wikipedia. My math degree, as I have found out, could be very valuable when I try to find employment as a financier. With school losing some of its luster, and creating a financially sound future for Misery and myself becoming a more important goal, I can't help but become attracted to something that has endless possibilities for advancement, utilizes my fondness of mathematics/logic, and offers an endless fascination because of the breadth and depth of the subject.
I just want a decent life, Misery, a nice car, and to give Misery the freedom and ability to pursue her love of helping animals, without her having to work in a job she hates. A simple life. I don't need anything fancy, just to make the person I wake up to every morning happy.
I missed SteveOdelux's goodbye party. He's such an nice guy, and has a great, dark sense of humor. I'm forgetful, and I don't check this page very often, so I sat on my ass as the party went on. Sorry, Steve. I was truly truthfully sad, but I hope you don't hold it against me. I hope we get a chance to hang out more when you get back from NasCar land. This paragraph should be at the top of the page because it is important, but I'm too lazy to cut and paste.
PS...warchild is back. Go say hi. Great to see him here, again. His trademarked style of belly shirts has always ushered him to the top of my respect list. He has an ok personality, too

On a side note, I have noticed that a lot of people seem to confuse apes and monkeys, or use the word monkeys to describe anything with human-like traits, i.e. David Hassellhoff is a ass monkey -- wait, that's not right. Anyhow, monkeys have tails. They are usually smaller and dumber than any apes. Apes do not have tails, and are smarter, yet they still throw poop, which makes them dumber, in some weird paradoxical way. I can't tell you how many people have tried to argue with me on this point by insisting that chimpanzees have tails. They don't. They have a huge ass, and sometimes what looks to be a prolapsed colon, but that goatse is not a tail. Hence, they are a member of the ape family, or more specifically the Great Ape family which consists of chimps, gorillas, orangutans, and one or two other pre-humans that I am forgetting.
I think that apes could easily defeat monkeys in a fight involving sporks, unless a monkey were to attack the ape's prolapsed colon, thus causing a spork blood-bath from the resulting ruptured colon. The melee that would ensue would probably end with apes running for the hills while securely jamming their thumbs into their ass to prevent a further spork attack on their achilles heal. The monkeys would leave the turd and blood-soaked battlefield victorious, yet still dumber than apes.
FLAT OUT... you guys rock.
also, make sure you rsvp for the birthday party's at jd's key club on august 27th...come celebrate all of the virgo's birthday's with me...