Tonight I hopefully get to see penguinscheme, Waldo913 and his woman. Wonderful, considering that I haven't seen Waldo913 in ages now. I see penguinscheme all the time, so who cares
But she is Awesomous Maximus.
Flu is finally gone, so I won't need to be Schiavoed after all. Well, sans some coughing that comes and goes. I can't complain since I haven't been sick in well over a year.
I decided to post my scars. I really have an affinity towards scars. I don't have many, which is surprisinig considering the years of hockey and football that I played, several years of skating and BMX, and being a snowboard instructor at
Mt. Holly for several years.
I got this lil' guy when I was about 12. Remember the huge, plactic packaging that used to surround new cassettes? Yeah, those fuckers at the store didn't remove it for me, so I took it upon myself to remove the cassette from the plastic cage with a steak knife. Steak knife slips, goes into webbing of hand, pricks out the other side. Scarred forever for a Suicidal Tendencies cassette that was a piece of shit.
This is my latest edition. I got this a year ago while running through a wooded area at night and being attacked by a small, cement monolith. I think I should have gotten stitches, but I don't like hospitals, hence I neosporined the little guy. This is over a year old, and still takes up the whole front of my shin. Everyone always thinks its a surgical scar, so I usually say I have a titanium shin bone.
This is from snowboarding. Never use jumps that other people make. Some kids built a jump that was totally twisted and ended up levitating me sideways in the air. As I sparkled through the air, I knew I was toast. I landed sideways on a mogul. Rather my head landed, and my body followed. The feeling is similar to getting punched in the temple....REALLY HARD. The scar used to extend into my eyebrow, but now it's just a faint reminder of the good ole days when I hung out at the "mountain" all day, every day. I think that little thing bled more than any other wound I have ever had. I looked as though I had just left a GWAR concert when I got to the lodge at the bottom of the hill.
I think I may have broken a rib snowboarding too, but, as I wrote above, I rarely get things checked out. I was speeding down the hill with some friends and went to carve around --hit an ice spot, spun around, caught an edge, faceplanted. Normally it wouldn't have been so bad, but those were my pothead days, so I had this
in my inside pocket. That thing is a torpedo when you fall on it. I couldn't breath and my rib hurt for the better part of a month.
This is my Jesus scar. I don't know where I got it, but you should be afraid. It never goes away.
Ahh.. the fabulous battle scar on my lip. This one did have stitches-- all the way to the inside of my mouth.
My belly button. It's a scar too. But everyone has one of those scars, so not so impressive. The picture does remind me that I haven't worked out for six months...ick. I'll go back to the weight room soon, once I get all of my testing for Law School out of the way.
{HOLY SHIT-- a dove just snuck onto my window and did a little call right next to my ear. Freak the fuck out of me. Do you think it was trying to get in my pants?! }

Flu is finally gone, so I won't need to be Schiavoed after all. Well, sans some coughing that comes and goes. I can't complain since I haven't been sick in well over a year.
I decided to post my scars. I really have an affinity towards scars. I don't have many, which is surprisinig considering the years of hockey and football that I played, several years of skating and BMX, and being a snowboard instructor at
Mt. Holly for several years.

I got this lil' guy when I was about 12. Remember the huge, plactic packaging that used to surround new cassettes? Yeah, those fuckers at the store didn't remove it for me, so I took it upon myself to remove the cassette from the plastic cage with a steak knife. Steak knife slips, goes into webbing of hand, pricks out the other side. Scarred forever for a Suicidal Tendencies cassette that was a piece of shit.

This is my latest edition. I got this a year ago while running through a wooded area at night and being attacked by a small, cement monolith. I think I should have gotten stitches, but I don't like hospitals, hence I neosporined the little guy. This is over a year old, and still takes up the whole front of my shin. Everyone always thinks its a surgical scar, so I usually say I have a titanium shin bone.

This is from snowboarding. Never use jumps that other people make. Some kids built a jump that was totally twisted and ended up levitating me sideways in the air. As I sparkled through the air, I knew I was toast. I landed sideways on a mogul. Rather my head landed, and my body followed. The feeling is similar to getting punched in the temple....REALLY HARD. The scar used to extend into my eyebrow, but now it's just a faint reminder of the good ole days when I hung out at the "mountain" all day, every day. I think that little thing bled more than any other wound I have ever had. I looked as though I had just left a GWAR concert when I got to the lodge at the bottom of the hill.
I think I may have broken a rib snowboarding too, but, as I wrote above, I rarely get things checked out. I was speeding down the hill with some friends and went to carve around --hit an ice spot, spun around, caught an edge, faceplanted. Normally it wouldn't have been so bad, but those were my pothead days, so I had this

This is my Jesus scar. I don't know where I got it, but you should be afraid. It never goes away.

Ahh.. the fabulous battle scar on my lip. This one did have stitches-- all the way to the inside of my mouth.

My belly button. It's a scar too. But everyone has one of those scars, so not so impressive. The picture does remind me that I haven't worked out for six months...ick. I'll go back to the weight room soon, once I get all of my testing for Law School out of the way.

{HOLY SHIT-- a dove just snuck onto my window and did a little call right next to my ear. Freak the fuck out of me. Do you think it was trying to get in my pants?! }
I say love a lot don't I?
Damn it.