I slave away at a mind-numbing job for too many hours a week. Hardly, if ever, do I need to use my brain for anything while I am at work. I have worked there long enough to know everything backwards, and I am fine with it until I enter law school. But the other day there was a gem of a phone call that caught my stagnant mind by surprise...
Me: Hello, **** **** seafood, how can I help you?
Customer: Yeah, I wanted some shrimp. Do you have any that are thawed.
M: No, all of the shrimp we sell are frozen.
C: Oh, that's probably not going to work because I need them like now.
M: Sorry.
C: So, nothing thawed then?
M: No.
C: Well, are they hard frozen?
--- At this point my stagnant brain jars into action. WHAT THE FUCK ELSE IS THERE? Frozen is frozen is frozen. There is no such thing as soft frozen--
M: Uhh...(10 second pause)...frozen...(10 second pause -- seriously...i couldn't think of how to respond)...I don't know. They are just frozen.
C: OK. Thanks.
SO, whoever that lady is, where ever she might be -- I just want to say thank you for starting off my new year with a story that I will share with my grandkids. Unless I never have kids, then I will just tell my cats. I really have lost a lot of faith in the intelligence of humanity.
Me: Hello, **** **** seafood, how can I help you?
Customer: Yeah, I wanted some shrimp. Do you have any that are thawed.
M: No, all of the shrimp we sell are frozen.
C: Oh, that's probably not going to work because I need them like now.
M: Sorry.
C: So, nothing thawed then?
M: No.
C: Well, are they hard frozen?

M: Uhh...(10 second pause)...frozen...(10 second pause -- seriously...i couldn't think of how to respond)...I don't know. They are just frozen.
C: OK. Thanks.
SO, whoever that lady is, where ever she might be -- I just want to say thank you for starting off my new year with a story that I will share with my grandkids. Unless I never have kids, then I will just tell my cats. I really have lost a lot of faith in the intelligence of humanity.
Best wishes
Don't take life too seriously,
evolution didnt.
Best wishes
The world is a tragedy to those who feel,
but a comedy to those who think