Merry X-mas. I hope your house is on a cheerful, christmas kind of way.
So, today was the long trip home to see my mom, who I only get to see once a year. I went to my favorite eats...Bubba's Roadside Inn. If you're ever in Flint, it is a must eat. I love being back. I am aways welcomed by trash, used couches and clothing littering I-75 as I enter Flint. It is a sight to see. Makes me wonder where all those abandoned tennis shoes come from...and can people really not find a better way to dispose of them? Perhaps there is an insane markup on the price of trashbags in Flint that I am unaware of. The trash is complementary to the huge smoke stacks that spew filth into the air, much like a huge cigarette.
I miss my black_widow since she didn't make the trip this year. It's not the same without her around. I have gotten spoiled by the siamese twin-ness (yeah, that a word mofo) that we have. It's great to find someone you just happen to jive with so perfectly. The sex isn't bad either. But I'm sure she and the pets are having a catnip party at the apartment. So, it's off to sleep in solitude and have wet dreams.
And what did you want for Christmas anyway?
So, today was the long trip home to see my mom, who I only get to see once a year. I went to my favorite eats...Bubba's Roadside Inn. If you're ever in Flint, it is a must eat. I love being back. I am aways welcomed by trash, used couches and clothing littering I-75 as I enter Flint. It is a sight to see. Makes me wonder where all those abandoned tennis shoes come from...and can people really not find a better way to dispose of them? Perhaps there is an insane markup on the price of trashbags in Flint that I am unaware of. The trash is complementary to the huge smoke stacks that spew filth into the air, much like a huge cigarette.
I miss my black_widow since she didn't make the trip this year. It's not the same without her around. I have gotten spoiled by the siamese twin-ness (yeah, that a word mofo) that we have. It's great to find someone you just happen to jive with so perfectly. The sex isn't bad either. But I'm sure she and the pets are having a catnip party at the apartment. So, it's off to sleep in solitude and have wet dreams.
And what did you want for Christmas anyway?
I have my christmas present...she's back at the apartment

As a matter of fact, my New year's eve is going to be right here in the apartment! We're having people here for some fun and games and drinking and rowdy sex... Okay, the sex is optional, but certainly fun and games. Do you two have plans? If not, drag your fine asses down here and party with us like it's 1999. Sweet. Talk to ya later.