This blog homework is so very important. Our world, what we have and what we will leave behind to our babies... & how each of us can do our part to help. As our generation grows you see us becoming more aware of the things our society has done wrong. Littering. Toxic waste. Ect.. & I believe that with social media we have become more aware of the issue and how big it is. But now that we are aware, we all need to dedicate a set amount of time to the little things that make a big impact. Picking up trash on your walks home. Clean up the beaches. Stop giving your money to companies that use an abundance of plastic rather than products that will decompose. Pick something and invite your friends.
Just use our brains. Its small changes that we all have to make daily. Not just every now and then. Treat this planet with the love and care it deserves after thousands of years of taking beating from humanity.
Volunteer to help in your local community. Make a production of it! Because its a big damn deal 💙✌