I am overjoyed to Congratulate @eminence on finally being chosen for the front page and becoming the Suicide girl she was always meant to be! After six long years of work, her new set I've Got a Book of Matches, shot by the amazingly talented @lady has reached SOTD! I am always genuinely happy when a Hopeful finally receives that "Your set has been chosen as set of the day" email but, I'm just a tiny bit more invested in this particular one. And here's why...
Sunday, November 2nd 2014. This is the day I finished editing my very first SuicideGirls set. I had almost no clue what I was doing, didn't know the difference between ISO and F-stop, and had just purchased a basic DSLR with a kit lens from Best Buy. I shot it outside, on a windy day, in direct sunlight with random ranch hands peeking around the side of buildings trying to catch a glimpse of the model. @eminence trusted me to shoot that set and while she might very well kill me for posting the photo above of a brand new model, with two small tattoos, baring it all outside (GASP!) I am incredibly proud to have been there to see the first steps of her new adventure.
Sunday, November 3rd 2019, I finished edits on @eminence's newest set Rose Kissed Skin which was just accepted into the queue and is set to release exactly 3 months from now. 5 years, $1000's of dollars in camera equipment, multiple shootfests cross country trips and hundreds of new friends later. I've been very lucky to have been able to see her grow in talent, self esteem, self worth, and motherfucking MAJESTY.
Cambridge dictionary defines eminence as being famous and respected. Well @eminence, you're about to be really famous and you sure as hell have 100% of my respect. Love you tons pretty lady!