Man.... I have been so tired lately. Its all this work and school. I'm finding it harder to balance the two than I originally thought it would be. I think most of it is because working in the autocenter is so physically demanding that I'm pretty drained after 8 hours. That and going to work at 7:30 am on the mornings I dont have classes. Oh well, Im finally making money, and I'm doing ok at school, so I can handle it. Tonight is not going to be fun though. My parents and I are supposed to get together and talk about my child support. Since they are getting divorced and I'm still a student, oregon law says they have to pay child support to me. But what I dont like is how my mom is approaching the subject. She gave me one document to waive my child support and another to accept it. The fact that she is trying to get out of supporting me and using a loophole to avoide the law, just right pisses me off. I dont want to have to make the decision to make my parents pay me $400 each a month, no one should expect their child to make a decision like that. I must admit, the more she presses the subject, the more unsympathetic I get towards her and her wanting to not pay child support.
What....thats the best law in the world....too bad Im so damn old....take the money and run.....