someone wrecked into me yesterday, my car is all fucked up.... they just drove off too so it doesn't look like im gonna be getting it fixed, aint that a bitch!!??!!
so my weekend of getting trashed didn't happen as i planned. . .
i got pretty drunk friday night.
yesterday i had 2 beers at about noon, got in my car accident at about 11:30PM, afterwards i walked around and motherfucked every thing in sight from about 12-1
today ill sit around and be miserable!
so my weekend of getting trashed didn't happen as i planned. . .
i got pretty drunk friday night.
yesterday i had 2 beers at about noon, got in my car accident at about 11:30PM, afterwards i walked around and motherfucked every thing in sight from about 12-1
today ill sit around and be miserable!
now is the time for the both of us to WAKE UP. right now, we know whats we've done wrong and admit it. now we face the HARSH consequences because we're not only going through them a SECOND time, but paying more money, losing more shit, doing time, etc etc. im kinda glad we can "do this together" because we can talk about a lot of shit that we'll have more in common. Lord, grant us strength enough to not only get through-- but to *really* make sense enough to us not to repeat our faults. so we can learn.
through this site, i have met a few people that have these same problems as us, and each in their own way, they can help out. you already have 2 on your list: CONTRABAND and Evil. the other is on my list, Abstract_Heart. talk to them if you want, maybe email would be better. but anything helps. i'm already learning this. with every beer i have, i'm thinking of them and what they would think of my choice. and more often than not, im keeping the alcohol away.
talk to you thursday. dont tell mom and dad im getting tattooed on Wednesday.