I was this close {------} to getting fired from my job yesterday.
My Boss was So pissed off at me, I seriously thought he was about to swing at me.
I work at a State Park Swimming Pool.
And at least three times a Day we have to check the Chlorine and pH levels.
So he comes in around 2:30. and the first reading is to be done around 11:30. and it wasnt done.
and he EXPLODED about it, because its the law blah blah blah
So once he started complaining he wasnt going to stop.
He yelled at me for talking to the lifeguards outside of my building.
He yelled at me for sitting IN my building.
He yelled at me for listening to Music.
He yelled at me, because the lifeguards wernt vacuuming the pool... (with the vacuum that doesnt work...... nor was the gas for the vaccum pump)
He yelled at me because the Kiddie pool was a HALF INCH TOO DEEP!!!! (which still doesnt violate any laws)
So basically, all I am allowed to do when all my work is done, is stand silently in the pumphouse.
And Today...... I left 3 hours early without permission.

I think I'm gonna go shopping. For a Studded belt that doesnt fucking stretch.
There was something else I wanted to tell you all......... but i have forgotten.