Today at 10am, I had to go to a mandatory Sexual Harassment Prevention Seminar.
Was it fun???
You better fucking believe it!!!!.
The instructor was really cool, considering the majority of his audience was under 23 Years Old.
But he made it fun...... as did we.
It was a lot of questions.
Such as:
What is YOUR definition of Sexual Harassment?
Answer as given aloud by Jake:
"Unwanted sexual advances by a man, or a woman who looks like a man."
the instructor replies: "What about a man who looks like a woman?"
oooo burn
What are some examples of Sexual Harassment?
Derek (the gay kid) answers:
"Approching a woman, grabbing her breasts, squeezing and going "Honk Honk"
"Telling a woman she smells like gutter pussy"
I also was able to get my supervisor to laugh hard enough to make him cry.
we had a survey, by raising of hands, on a scale of one to ten, how people would feel about certain situations...
for example the first one was.
A co-worker always refers to you as "honey"
so with 1 being (thats fine) and 10 being (thats not fine) you were to raise your hand at what number you felt it was.
so we were getting down the list...... and we got to
"Your Supervisor tells you about his/her sexual fantasies about you"
Myself and Ian, the only other kid who works under our supervisor, both raise our hands at #1.
The Next statment was.
"Your Supervisor rubs you shoulders"
Ian raises his hand at #1..... but I wait until #3..... meanwhile everyone else raises their hands at #s 8-9-10
So we had Bill our 57 y/o supervisor. Dying in his chair.
Oh...... and I picked up mu Suit.
It's Pimp.
Pics from the DRY Reception tomarrow or Saturday, or Sunday.

haha! that's some funny shyte mang.