I painted with about 6 or 7 little kids today at the Museum.
It was Amazing.
They learned all about Expressionist paintings
and all the spatter and drip effects.
The kids all sat around this paiting.

Joan Mitchell
American, 1926-1992
Begonia 1982
Oil on canvas
111 x 80
And they were read a Story about a little mouse named Olivia, who goes to a gallery and sees a painting (by a famous artist i cannot think of) and she goes home and tries to make copy his work.....
It was so fun, There was this Adorable little girl ALSO named Olivia, she was about 5, she was all creative using her fingers and all the different brushes, she even got some paper towel and crumpled it up and used that. Her painting came out really nice.
This little boy named Brandon Castellani (I think hes like..... the grandson or great grandson of the museum owners) He was going absoutly crazy with these spray bottles i filled with paint and water for him.... His came out really REALLLLY good, lots of drips and runs and spatter.....
He was so funny, he had a speech impediment (sp).
I have paint all over me.
But it was worth it.
Maybe next Saturday I'll take my camera and get some pictures of the kids work..
There an exhibition there....... by Joel Feldman I think...... its quite funny......
He like........ takes pictures............. then he makes up little scenes.... places them infront of the photo......... then takes a photo of it.
like this!...... (this is a joel Feldman)

OKay, I think I'm done telling you about all the artworks i liked.......... just come by, Ill take you on a an uneducated tour of the museum.
Later Skater.
I picked up 17 comics the other day but that was like, a month and a half of comics. So I won't list but you get the idea. I was definitely way happy though.