Today Fyrestarter started a bit of a boxer appreciation thread. Instead of going on and on about how wonderful my dog is, I thought I'd put it in my journal instead (that and I would prefer to not be kicked out of the group for being annoying). So if you are the kind of person that hates listening to people talk about their kids please run for the exit now...I won't look, so there's no need to be embarrassed.
Bit of history. I've only had my dog since last December. At the time I wasn't living with my gf, and she was going home for Xmas. I volunteered to dog sit Buttercup (her dog) and the new foster boy that she had recently acquired. His name was Taz and he was 7.5 years-old.
Taz was in the process of getting over Bordetella and had most likely spent the preceding 1.5 years of his life on a concrete pad being used for stud. They didn't care about the fact that the concrete pulled all the heat out of his bones and caused his hips to be so painful he could barely walk.
(If you've made it this far you probably love dogs/boxers.)
The 6 years of life before that he had been a prized and pampered show dog/stud. He was a champion in the ring, and I'm sure he had his pick of the ladies. The couple that owned him divorced, and the one that got custody of the dog didn't care where they went as long as they got the money.
Cut back to me taking care of these two kids for the holidays. This boy has soulful caramel colored eyes, is still feeling weak from being sick, and has very underdeveloped muscles. Needless to say, I fell for the injured hero. My gf only got one dog back when she came home cause I wasn't going to let my new boy go (but the name had to be changed).
(If you've made it this far you are an incredible tolerant human being.)
Since then Sinjin has become a 74 pound beefcake. He is back to the pampered lifestyle he deserves, and he cuddles me everyday in thanks. He is a smart, goofy, loving, protective wonder dog. He runs and plays like a 3 year old. He doesn't need a leash because he is completely voice trained and knows his hand commands. He has protected small children, puppies, and small dogs from foster boxers that don't respond well to little ones. He helps to train foster dogs the house rules. The only thing that he hasn't learned how to do is pick up after himself.
I really love my dog.
If you've made it all the way here be careful crossing the street. It's entirely possible that you've learned to achieve a Buddha state of mind.
And I got my very first friend request today from Hedy! Hi Hedy! You have the dubious honor or being my first SG friend. I don't feel like such a loser now.
Bit of history. I've only had my dog since last December. At the time I wasn't living with my gf, and she was going home for Xmas. I volunteered to dog sit Buttercup (her dog) and the new foster boy that she had recently acquired. His name was Taz and he was 7.5 years-old.
Taz was in the process of getting over Bordetella and had most likely spent the preceding 1.5 years of his life on a concrete pad being used for stud. They didn't care about the fact that the concrete pulled all the heat out of his bones and caused his hips to be so painful he could barely walk.
(If you've made it this far you probably love dogs/boxers.)
The 6 years of life before that he had been a prized and pampered show dog/stud. He was a champion in the ring, and I'm sure he had his pick of the ladies. The couple that owned him divorced, and the one that got custody of the dog didn't care where they went as long as they got the money.
Cut back to me taking care of these two kids for the holidays. This boy has soulful caramel colored eyes, is still feeling weak from being sick, and has very underdeveloped muscles. Needless to say, I fell for the injured hero. My gf only got one dog back when she came home cause I wasn't going to let my new boy go (but the name had to be changed).
(If you've made it this far you are an incredible tolerant human being.)
Since then Sinjin has become a 74 pound beefcake. He is back to the pampered lifestyle he deserves, and he cuddles me everyday in thanks. He is a smart, goofy, loving, protective wonder dog. He runs and plays like a 3 year old. He doesn't need a leash because he is completely voice trained and knows his hand commands. He has protected small children, puppies, and small dogs from foster boxers that don't respond well to little ones. He helps to train foster dogs the house rules. The only thing that he hasn't learned how to do is pick up after himself.
I really love my dog.
If you've made it all the way here be careful crossing the street. It's entirely possible that you've learned to achieve a Buddha state of mind.
And I got my very first friend request today from Hedy! Hi Hedy! You have the dubious honor or being my first SG friend. I don't feel like such a loser now.

Well hi.
ps. I love dogs. (cats too) but I have had dogs all my life.
oh and, I'll think of this when I cross the street next time!
I had my legs and armpits shaved when I did my first set to apply to be an SG, they accepted that, but then later, after being around the website for a while, I wanted to replace that set with another, but they rejected it! (and it had my hairy armpit and legs!) I can't say that was the reason though.
So oh well.