What I like about this site (besides nekked girls -- all the girls I went to high school with and always wanted to see naked; the girls with kohled eyes, ripped tights, safety-pinned clothes, and a map of cuts on their skinny pale wrists):
** Unabashed Ego: this is a site (one of millions) where people take hundreds of photos of themselves and post them online.
** Cries For Attention: Vis a vis, online journals where you can write the most mundane, trivial, and pointless aspects of your boring-ass life. I like reading pointless little details; but not long, sprawling epic tales of your day. Concise is what I look for in a journal. To the point. (Though, I have a tendency to be wordy sometimes . . .)
** Shameless Self-Promotion: Everyone here is "working on something"; everyone has some site to pimp, some art stuff, some zine, some book. It is nice to know so many people are creative, because in daily life, in the world Out There, it can seem so hopeless, so void of substance.
SO, to keep this concise, I will stop now. I had considered doing a Things I Don't Like About This Site as well, but there are enough people in the world focusing like a laser on all that is Wrong.
PLUS, as a trivial, pointless update on myself: I am leaving for LA via Greyhound (kings do not travel Greyhound; but broke-ass bike messengers with literary delusions certainly do) on March 9th. There, on the bus, then on Santa Monica Beach, I will finish my novel.
Okay. One thing that really pisses me off that isn't really related to this site: When someone says something is "Laugh-out-loud funny". Are you fuckin' kidding me?? Is there another way to laugh? Does one laugh inwardly? Or does the very definition of laughter beget sound?
** Unabashed Ego: this is a site (one of millions) where people take hundreds of photos of themselves and post them online.
** Cries For Attention: Vis a vis, online journals where you can write the most mundane, trivial, and pointless aspects of your boring-ass life. I like reading pointless little details; but not long, sprawling epic tales of your day. Concise is what I look for in a journal. To the point. (Though, I have a tendency to be wordy sometimes . . .)
** Shameless Self-Promotion: Everyone here is "working on something"; everyone has some site to pimp, some art stuff, some zine, some book. It is nice to know so many people are creative, because in daily life, in the world Out There, it can seem so hopeless, so void of substance.
SO, to keep this concise, I will stop now. I had considered doing a Things I Don't Like About This Site as well, but there are enough people in the world focusing like a laser on all that is Wrong.
PLUS, as a trivial, pointless update on myself: I am leaving for LA via Greyhound (kings do not travel Greyhound; but broke-ass bike messengers with literary delusions certainly do) on March 9th. There, on the bus, then on Santa Monica Beach, I will finish my novel.

Okay. One thing that really pisses me off that isn't really related to this site: When someone says something is "Laugh-out-loud funny". Are you fuckin' kidding me?? Is there another way to laugh? Does one laugh inwardly? Or does the very definition of laughter beget sound?
Judge Judy ROCKS.
Falling in love SUCKS.
Works good.
Life is good.
I hate men.
Good thing I have to work with them 8 hrs a day,eh!