No Sleep last night. None suprised; country in mourning at Throe's abortive attempts.
Futile effort to sleep yeilded much tossing, turning. Par usual, the author was quite awake when his alarm clock went off at 6:00 AM. Begrudgingly, and not without much appalled shaking of his head, Throe got up. Eyes burned.
.............. "Christ......." he muttered.
........................................Sleep could not be reached for comment.

Futile effort to sleep yeilded much tossing, turning. Par usual, the author was quite awake when his alarm clock went off at 6:00 AM. Begrudgingly, and not without much appalled shaking of his head, Throe got up. Eyes burned.
.............. "Christ......." he muttered.
........................................Sleep could not be reached for comment.