Alas, my account ends at the end of this month and I will not be renewing. I like the site and all, but some very strange things have happened. A very big publishing house, who shall go nameless for legal reasons (I'm told), has agreed to publish my novel. I'm not even done with my second draft, everything is happening so fast, but the rep...
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Run out of drugs and money and I am back at work.
Bought a typewriter and have begun the exaustive task of transcribing my hand-written novel into a manuscript.
Bought a typewriter and have begun the exaustive task of transcribing my hand-written novel into a manuscript.
Been on a faily serious drug binder the last few days. This is what happens when I have money and am off work for a week or so.
Wow... thank you for those powerful Hank III visuals. They'll be festering in my mind and other places for some time.
I hope you're making some psycho drug-inspired comix?
I hope you're making some psycho drug-inspired comix?
Alright. Back sooner than expected. Ze trip to Cali was a
success. I have compleated my novel! 22 days! I should write more novels . . . .
But the bad news is, I may get audited and arrested for
tax evasion, lest I pay a certain fee by M. 27 . . . .
Oh, life, you tricky bitch . . . .
success. I have compleated my novel! 22 days! I should write more novels . . . .
But the bad news is, I may get audited and arrested for
tax evasion, lest I pay a certain fee by M. 27 . . . .
Oh, life, you tricky bitch . . . .
zee interesting...
also, im starting to think youre... not kevin bacon.
im sueing for wrongful someting or other.
also, im starting to think youre... not kevin bacon.
im sueing for wrongful someting or other.
Okay. About to walk to the Greyhound station for my three day fucking bus ride to L.A. and Santa Monica. Don't know how long I'll be gone . . . Until I finish my novel, I guess. I'm finishing a novel! How cool.
Talk to you all when I get back!
Talk to you all when I get back!

Nooooo my fiddle of gold!!
What I like about this site (besides nekked girls -- all the girls I went to high school with and always wanted to see naked; the girls with kohled eyes, ripped tights, safety-pinned clothes, and a map of cuts on their skinny pale wrists):
** Unabashed Ego: this is a site (one of millions) where people take hundreds of photos of themselves and post them...
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** Unabashed Ego: this is a site (one of millions) where people take hundreds of photos of themselves and post them...
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Hey goodluck in Cal.
Judge Judy ROCKS.
Falling in love SUCKS.
Works good.
Life is good.
I hate men.
Good thing I have to work with them 8 hrs a day,eh!
Judge Judy ROCKS.
Falling in love SUCKS.
Works good.
Life is good.
I hate men.
Good thing I have to work with them 8 hrs a day,eh!
Ok, so I thought my journal entry was concise. Do you not think so? Is the Squee to tease me?
go man go!
hahaha the breakfast club thing was AWESOME!!!
Progress on my comic is slow, but not for the usual reason of my laziness; another project has been consuming my life: I am writing a novel. It is very good, I must unhumble myself to say. I started it on Feb 15 and have 67 pages (single spaced) written so far. It'll be a short novel, about 230 pages or so, and the second...
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It is the Rocky Horror Picture Show. It is fun times- the last saturday of every month at midnight. Usually SG meet up and hang out. You should come.
its at baxter theatre haha. i left out that part whoops. normally it is posted in the SGKY group as a reminder and stuff.
i like your style of art. its fun.
Nice drawing, Kevin Bacon.
I maintain that "Heart" is not an element at all and should be off the team.
I maintain that "Heart" is not an element at all and should be off the team.
That is a pretty awesome entry.
haha you may well have saw me at UofL. If so I was wearing kind of a crazy outfit today. I had on a green skirt, long black socks with gray leg warmers, and my huuuge black hoodie with red stripes on the arms.

haha you may well have saw me at UofL. If so I was wearing kind of a crazy outfit today. I had on a green skirt, long black socks with gray leg warmers, and my huuuge black hoodie with red stripes on the arms.

yesssss thank you. i love cookies!
beautiful picture. i love it.
beautiful picture. i love it.
my bad.