Tuesday Sep 21, 2004 Sep 21, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email last night i dreamt i was bjork's personal assistant.....in bed! needless to say, waking up this morning really sucked now i must go drink lots of coffee and go shopping for winter clothes. joy! : Fireside - Headacher : VIEW 13 of 13 COMMENTS neko: HOT. i'd give just about anything for that. although, i do have to say that she looks about 13 years old. but that's ok cause i do to. it would be hot child pornography. you can join us. you look over 18..... Sep 21, 2004 ayres: Que hace mi gata Tina en tu profile??? ESA ES MI GATA! Si, cocinan anda a saber que mierda. Me hicieron pelota el estomago. PELOTA Sep 22, 2004
Si, cocinan anda a saber que mierda. Me hicieron pelota el estomago. PELOTA