siren fest yesterday was pretty bad ass
me thinks TV On the Radio and Mission of Burma stole the show, although Death Cab For Cutie
were much better live than when i saw them play in Boston earlier in the year
didn't see much of the other bands . too busy walking around and making fun of people
the train ride getting there was such a pain in the ass!
it took fucking FOREVER from union square man. on the way back it wasn't so bad
'cause by that time me and homeboy were too full of JD, gin, and popeye's biscuits to give a fuck
our drunk party of 7 ended up singing a shitload of journey songs at the top of our lungs on the train
we rocked the house SO hard! we even had random people singing along with us. it was awesome
then we ended up at beauty bar afterwards to continue on with the drinking (of course)
by the time i got me a turkey club at the irish diner on the way home it was 4am. fun times
gonna be working for ABC Family as a P.A. on some reality show in Queens this week.
should be interesting since i haven't worked since last november. oh how i'll miss the good life!
six feet under, adult swim, the gay parade, and chinese take-out is on the schedule for tonight.
time to chill yo. it's been a rough weekend
: Of Montreal - A Man's Life Flashing Before His Eyes While He and His Wife Drive off a Cliff :

Clash of the Titans will always be the shiz. My Dad called me the Cracken when I was a kid. Not because I was a big tough sea-monster, but because my lips were always chapped to the point of cracking open.