today on the way to bartending school i encountered
3 middle-aged mentally retarded polish people on the bus
they all had their tags on and whatnot and this one guy
moved over next to me and kept on asking me if i was going to kick his ass.
after telling him "no of course not" about 10 times in 3 minutes
he gave me 2 cigarettes and told me that they were made out of cocaine
i then proceeded to give him a piece of gum and whispered in his ear
"bring me some weed tommorrow mikey" and then got off the bus
while he clapped, nodded, waved, and said "ok! goodbye rob!"
mike rules
: Keane - Somewhere Only We Know :
You are so cute, is nice to see a man that haves fillings!!!
KISSES KISSES AND HUGES!!!! The perfect man!!!