5 years ago this weekend, i last saw my father at the hospice
he was dying of kidney cancer and still had the energy
to make fun of me 'cause i brought him flowers for father's day
i think he even called me a fag 'cause i was crying
'cause i knew it was probably gonna be the last time i'd ever see him
i was right. he died 2 weeks later. he was only 61
so this weekend i've kept to myself, turned off my cell phone
and have spent the whole weekend drinking lot's of colt 45 40's
and totally rocking out to 'vh1's 100 most metal moments'
pops would've been proud
( edited to say: )
: The Scorpions - Still Loving You :

feel ya man!

voy para NY y queria saber si vas a ir al SGBurlesque show , para que nos encontremos y vamos juntos y me sirvas de traductor jejejeje