last night was pretty hectic and my head is paying the price this morning
i had like 8 or 9 pints of guinness and bass and met some cuban chick named alicia
she was with some bitch-ass friends of hers on the restaurant side of the pub
and she was supposed to come by after she ate but i was too busy getting wrecked and
trying to hook up so i missed her and ended up taking a cab home super frustrated with no pussy or weed cause there were cops all over the fucking place and my guy just drove away scared like a pussy. thats the life of a gangsta! oh well
today im just staying home and watching season 6 of oz on hbo on-demand
and probably watching some of the ncaa tournament 'cause i've got money on it
im gonna order some hawaiian pizza and some salad and go lay down. fuck this
p.s. - i love calling you when i'm drunk
: The Walkmen - Thinking Of A Dream :
Ha! I love the Barrio, Barrio Logan Bitchie!!
dude: you always gotta have the Morning Relief in the medicine cabinet. that shit saves lives.