wow i guess it's about time i write soooooomething. basically i'm really pissed that my hydro bill is a billion dollars all because i am a wuss and feel the need for air conditioning. i work alot and that is bumming me out and oh yea, my boyfriend is gonna leave me for someone better. her name is toronto. so that's depressing. he's basically set on going but doesnt seem to really have a plan for our relationship so thats bumming me out. (saying that twice in one 'entry' is just plain weirding me out) plus today i realized i'm really alot heavier than i used to be and its not a healthy weight either but i figure i may as well try to retain a 'good body image' all summer and just bear it while trying to drop some of it. blah blah blah i sound like such a typical girl. but it's fine. i took a picture of a spider today that i killed yesterday at work. but i killed it with spider blaster (best stuff ever for killing crawling insects which there is no lack of at work) and so its all curled up and disgusting. i coooooooould put it in here but i get a feeling it turned out blurry because i don't take care of my camera okay bye.