Touring was pretty acecore.
Some of the dates we played were really bad, with awful sound an rubbish crowds, but overall, so long as we could hear the drum machine it rocked nicely.
Particular points of interest were:
Shaun Ryder watching us in Manchester (didn't actually watch, but was in the same bar, and so will probably've been vaugly aware).
Playing with Parisman and Rebus,... Read More
I answered an advert from this fellow, who was looking for a bassist to go on a small tour of this isle an play songs and notes and so on.
For reasons unknown to me I was selected from the doubtless several applicants, and so on Saturday will be going to Reading to meet the... Read More
Today's my Birthday. Which is a nice thing.
I'm being twenty, which is fun, an strange, and so on, it's not twenty one, but it's almost there, which for some reason is depressing.
But, yes, had an excellent day of wondering round London on my own.
The origional plan was to meet up with another person I loosely know, whos birthday is also today, an... Read More
Last night I got quite quite too drunk at a work thing (free, so it's ok, that actually stops liver damage).
And then went to a turkish rstaurant, on my own.
I was the only person in the whole place, which I hate when I'm sober, and can't say I loved drunk.
I ordered some sort of stuffed... Read More
Along with rosscoe and septembre I'm doing the dropping-out-of-course thing, however I don't have any specific intentions of switching my course to something else, on account of being a big old waster.
Instead, I may well move in with the band I play drums for in Nottingham, learn esperanto, and [third part of plan that leads to... Read More
Learn esperanto? Everytime I hear that I think about Red Dwarf. And Rimmer. Could you send for the hall porter? There appears to be a frog in my bidet.
So, yeah, the rest of the weekend some stuff happened, which I can't be bothered to update about. Those most likly to read it were there anyway, so it's of little importance.
I'm back at my parents house, and, apart from practising with an old band, there's not much todo.
I really don't like Epsom that much, but I don't think i want to live... Read More
On day the second day we traversed the distance lieing between Calais and Paris, by train.
The only significant things to mention about this are that both Ross an Lee read Scott Pilgrims Precious Little Life for the first time, a book we can all heartily recomend.
Buy two copies, give one to a friend.
The other is that Calais train station apparently has a... Read More
septembre and roscoe have already put up the pictures, so I thought I'd just do abit of a breakdown of events for our Parisian SG oddessy.
Day one.
I finish work at 4 in th morning, get home just in time to dry out somo clothes an meet Lee an Ross for the coach to London.
On which I drink stout while lee sleeps (lee... Read More